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This chapter is like late night but less sweet and a lil chaotic lmaoo


"you always do this! i come home every night and you're bugging me about where i've been!" billie shouts at me.

"well maybe if you'd tell me where you were, i wouldn't be bugging you! i stay up so late because i'm worried about you, billie!" i say snapping back

"well you don't have to worry about me and where i am! i'll do whatever the fuck i wanna do! you don't control me!" billie says getting closer to me.

"of course I'm gonna worry about you, you're my girlfriend. how do i not know that you're cheating on me? seeing another girl or something? you always come home at 12-1 in the morning. is there someone else? am i not good enough for you? did you find someone else to love?" i yell out, my voice cracking at the end as tears form in my eyes.

billies face softens and she shakes her head.

"no, baby, there's no one else. i'm not cheating on you. i could never." billie wraps her arms around me and i fall into her embrace.

"you're more than enough, angel. i'm so sorry i made you feel like that. i never meant to hurt and worry you. it's just my team as been overworking me with this album. i only love you, baby. no one else, okay?" billie softly says. i nod and take a shaky breathe. billie rubs my back up and down.

"i'm sorry for thinking you were cheating. i just always think the worse and overthink." billie kisses my forehead.

"it's okay, love. i should've told you where i was. it's not your fault." i kiss her lips. the kiss filled with love.

"i love you so much, billie. thank you for caring for me."

"of course. i love you too." she smiles at me.

"what if we go for a drive and blast music?" i smile and nod. billie grabs my hand and her keys.

we get in the car and billie gives me aux. i play Mile High by James Blake and Travis Scott (very good mf song 10/10 recommend). billie puts the windows down and turns the radio all the way up. we ride through la. i look at billie and we smile at each other, our hair flying everywhere. billie takes my hand and kisses it.

"40 days, 40 nights. feel like a holy night." billie and i sing together.

the song comes to an end. about 3 songs come on after that then Hold Tight by Justin Bieber come on. billie looks at me, scrunches her nose and smiles. (yk that face she does when the best goes hard) billie is singing on the top of her lungs. i just look at her and admire her. the way her hair flows in the wind. the way her veins pop out from gripping the steering wheel. the way her lips move when she's singing. she's so perfect.

"i love you" i yell over the music.

"i love you more, angel." billie yells back, smiling.

we get home and get out of the car. we get in the house and billie walks up behind me, wrapping her arms around my waist.

"my pretty girl." billie whispers in my ear. i smile and lean my head on her shoulder. she kisses my forehead.

"let's get ready to go to bed, okay?" i nod and we walk upstairs, into the bedroom. billie and i change. we get into bed, billies head on my chest. billies hand on my stomach. she looks up at me and smiles.

"i'm so in love with you. i'm in love with everything that you do. i cant wait to marry you one day." billie says, her thumb rubbing up and down on my stomach.

"i cant wait to marry you one day either, my love. i love you more than i could ever tell you." she smiles and kisses my lips softly.

"i love you too, beautiful." billie snuggles closer to me, closing her eyes. i rub her back up and down. i close my eyes and start drifting off to sleep.





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