billie baby ❗️

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as soon as i stepped into the room, i shut the door and slammed bil against it.

"hi billie baby." i smirk as she stares at me with wide eyes.

"hi, mommy." she whispers. billie is everything anyone would ever want and when i discovered that she was ready to submit to my will at night, i had been elated. she was perfection and i loved her ridiculously.

"were you a good girl today?" i ask as i trail a finger along her jawline.

"yes, mommy." billie's lips pout a bit as she waits for my kiss.

"is there something you want, my love?" i tease.

"please kiss me. i missed you today." billie's eyes are wide with sincerity.

"i missed you, too." i whisper before taking her lips with mine. i press her into the door, twining my tongue with hers, and caressing her hips as i deepen the kiss. she melts into me, wrapping her arms around my neck and submitting to every move of my mouth. i break the kiss.

"do you want to go to dinner or would you like to order in?"

"order in, but can we have dessert first, please, mommy?" billie smiles and bites her lip.

in response, i kiss her, wrapping my arms around her and gripping her ass. i squeeze and rub over her plump cheeks, wedging a knee between her legs, and rubbing her against my thigh. she whimpers as i work her against me and heat pools between my legs. the sexy little moans she releases as i press her harder against me are driving me mad with desire. pulling away, i grab the front of billie's shirt and drag her to the bed. i use my hold to pull the shirt off of bil and stare at her in her bra and pants.

"billie, you're so beautiful, baby." i cup her breasts and press kisses to the soft mounds.

"so fucking pretty." i run my tongue along the edge of the cups as billie's hands sweetly caress my hair.

"mommy, please." billie whimpers.

"please what, baby? what do you need?"

"i want to see you too. want to feel you, please." billie reaches for the buttons on my shirt with a pleading look. i nod permission and she slowly undoes my shirt as she looks into my eyes. as soon as she pushes the shirt off, i wrap my arms around the other to unclasp my bra and pull it off.

i push billie onto the bed and follow her down. melding my mouth to hers, i pull her legs to wrap around me. i kiss her fiercely, sliding my tongue against hers and gliding my hands along her soft skin. i move billie's hands over her head and kiss my way down her neck, occasionally sucking marks. her nipples were standing taut and i sucked one into my mouth, moving my tongue over it. billie whimpered and rolled her hips.

"you like that, billie baby?" i coo at her with a smile.

"yes, mommy." she whispers and i move to her other breast to give it the same treatment. moving down her stomach, i press soft kisses to her skin, dipping my tongue into her bellybutton, and kissing her bellybutton piercing. i slip her pants and panties off. i stop to just look at her and take in her beauty.

"my sweet baby, so perfect." my hands trail up her legs to her thighs and spread her legs apart. i kiss her inner thigh and then i nip her skin causing her to pull her legs up more. i smile.

"that's it, baby. hold your legs just like that. i want you open for me." her pretty pussy is open wide, her skin is flush and glistening. i seal my mouth over her clit and lick circles around it before flicking it.

billie's moans increase and i smile against her. my tongue goes to her entrance and i shove it in as far as it will go, burying my face in her. i tongue fuck her, tasting her sweetness and making her whimper.

"oh, it's so good. please, more please." billie whines. i lick up to her clit again and graze my teeth over it causing billie to gasp. my tongue licks and flicks over her clit more quickly, building her orgasm. i suck her clit and flick my tongue over it as she writhes under me.

"oh, mommy! i'm gonna cum! i'm-" billie cries out and her legs quiver around me. i work her over through her orgasm and the aftershocks. as she comes down, i strip out of my bottoms, grab my double sided vibrating strap out of the drawer and put it on.

"my turn, billie baby. you're gonna come ride me." i sit up against the headboard and beckon her to come to me. billie crawls over to straddle me and slowly lowers herself onto my strap with a moan.

"that's it, my baby, all the way." i whisper. once she's fully seated, i turn the vibration on and we both moan at the sensation.

"move." i command.

billie begins rolling her hips as i lean forward to take her tit in my mouth. i flex my jaw around it and flick my tongue on her nipple. as billie's hips move, the dildo in me and the vibe against my clit are hitting all the right places and i feel the coil in me tighten.

"good girl. that's my good girl. making me feel so good." i say against billie's breast. i lay back, grabbing billie's hips and thrusting up into her. i turn the vibe up to the highest setting and watch as billie's mouth falls open from the pleasure.

"oh, fuck, you're so beautiful. fucking my strap so good, billie baby. so good, babygirl. fuck." i'm so close and watching billie's face as she nears her second orgasm is making me so hot.

"fuck, baby, cum with me." i fuck up into billie as my orgasm washes through me and listen to her as she cries out her release.

"fuck, you're so good. so good, babygirl. oh, fuck." i grab billie and flip her under me. grabbing her legs, i put them over my shoulders and slam into her.

"mommy! mommy, please! i need to put my mouth on you." billie cries. i pull out and grab billie's hair, pulling her face to mine.

"you want a taste of your mommy, billie baby? are you gonna make me cum with your mouth and fingers?"

"yes, mommy, please." billie says, gently undoing my strap. i lay back and allow her to take the lead. she removes my strap and attaches her lips to my clit, suckling gently. billie presses two fingers in me, curls them against my g-spot and presses hard against it while fucking in and out of me. her tongue works over my clit in swift circles making me buck up in to her.

"oh, fuck, billie! fuck, it's so good. billie!" i'm writhing as billie finger fucks me.

"bil, i'm gonna cum. fuck, i'm gonna squirt, billie. doing such a good job, fuck, baby!" i buck wildly into her hand as i squirt over her face and hands.

"fuck." i whine as i come down.

"jesus, billie. i don't think i've ever came that hard."
billie gives a small smirk and i roll over on top of her, kissing her deeply and tasting myself on her mouth.

"i love you, billie baby. you're my perfect, good girl."

"i love you, too." she whispers back.




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