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when i arrived at my apartment, billie was already there, dozing on the couch. i was only half surprised, as billie had a habit of showing up unannounced at my apartment and letting herself in. she'd probably fallen asleep while waiting for me to get home.

she startled awake as i closed the door. she looked around for the source of the noise until she saw me.

"oh, y/n, it's you." she mumbled, rubbing her eyes.

"of course, it's me." i said, slipping off my shoes and jacket.

"who else would it be?"

"no one. i just dozed off and it's just been a long day, is all." she said.

i instantly noticed something was wrong. i walked over to the couch and sat down next to her.

"bil, what's wrong?" i asked.

she opened her mouth to speak, but hesitated and closed it again. she shook her head.

"don't want to talk about it?"

"no, not right now." she said.

as much as i wanted to know what had hurt billie so i could help her, i knew not to push the issue. even though she had come to trust me, there were some things she wasn't ready to trust me with and i accepted that.

instead, i offered her my support.

"is there anything i can do to help?" billie seemed to think for a moment.

"i don't know." she finally said. she looked lost. and alone.

i frowned. i couldn't just sit by and do nothing while she felt like this.

"i'll be right back." i said, standing. billie's hand darted out and grabbed my own.

"wait!" billie cried. i looked back at her. she froze as she realized what she'd done and then dropped my hand like it had burned her. she looked away.

"never mind." she muttered.

my heart broke. she wanted to trust me and rely on me, but she couldn't let herself. i gently laid my hand on her shoulder.

"i'll be back in two minutes. i promise." i said. billie nodded, still not looking at me.

i went about my apartment, gathering the items i'd need. maybe i couldn't solve the problem or help billie with it, but i could at least try to make her feel a little bit better. a little less alone.

within minutes, i had collected all the items i would need. i went back to billie and put my plan into action. she was gazing out the window, deep in thought, and was surprised when i wrapped a fluffy blanket around her shoulders.

"what are you doing?" billie asked. although her tone sounded like a protest, she made no move to remove the blanket.

i didn't answer, and instead placed on the coffee table in front of her a bottle of water and chocolate. and not just any chocolate. the fancy, expensive chocolate i knew billie liked. i would've made tea, except i couldn't make it as well as billie could. i pulled out my phone and put on a piece of classical music i knew billie enjoyed listening to. then, i sat down next to her.

"what's all this?" billie asked, furrowing her brow.

"comfort stuff. i can't do much to help you, but i can at least do this." i explained.

"oh." was all billie said.

so, the two of us sat in silence, listening to classical music. by the time the next song had begun playing, billie had started eating the chocolate. when the third started playing, she was taking periodic sips of water. and by the fourth, she had tightened the blanket around herself and leaned her head on my shoulder. i slowly, cautiously, wrapped my arm around her shoulders, holding her to me.

"thank you." she whispered, her voice barely audible over the music.

"you don't have to thank me, bil. i'll always be here for you." i replied. a moment of silence passed.

"i-i'm grateful for you, y/n." billie said.

there was something different about her voice. i couldn't quite put my finger on it. but at least she sounded like she was doing a bit better. i pulled her tighter to me, ready to release her if she protested. instead, she seemed to press herself closer.

the two of us went silent. when i looked down a while later, she was dozing again. a small smile graced my lips. she was adorable when she slept. and i was glad she felt safe enough around me to fall asleep. i leaned my head on the back of the couch and closed my eyes, enjoying the music and the feeling of billie's steady breaths.

i realized i was falling asleep and quickly forced myself to stay awake. the couch was nice, but not the best place to sleep and it'd be better to move to my bed. i gently shook billie's shoulder. she groaned and batted my hand away.

"i'm sorry for waking you again." i said.

"but i think we'll be more comfortable on the bed." billie sighed.

"fine." she mumbled.

the two of us stood, billie still with the blanket wrapped around her shoulders, and made my way to the bedroom. as soon as i was there, she crawled onto the bed, burying her face in the pillow.

i crawled next to her and wrapped my arms around her. she barely responded. i realized with amusement that she was already dozing again. she was absolutely adorable. i decided i might as well get some sleep too.

"sleep well, my love." i murmured. her breathing was her only response. i closed my eyes and i drifted off to sleep, holding billie close to me the whole time.




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