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y/n and billie are lying together, a cool breeze coming in through the window. it's nearly noon, but y/n had convinced billie to stay in bed with her all morning. billie promised they could do anything y/n wanted today.

billie had woken y/n up with her mouth between y/n's thighs and remained determined to make today as joyful as possible for y/n.

once they had been tired out, bodies unable to stand any more pleasure, billie had gone to get out of bed, but y/n had pleaded for billie to stay, to spend the day in bed, letting y/n kiss her, and snuggle her. the last one had done the trick, the promise of cuddling immediately making billie return to y/n's arms.

y/n thinks about that, about how much billie likes to be held, as y/n runs her fingers up and down billie's bare back, billie laying half on top of y/n, their breasts pressed together. y/n had not expected billie to be so physically affectionate at first, to be so open and free with her touch.

"i love you." y/n murmurs to billie, knows she is smiling at billie like the lovesick fool she is. billie's face lights up, that smile warming y/n.

"i love you too." billie tells her, propping her chin up on y/n's chest, and looking at her with big blue eyes. everything happened so quickly. one day billie had been a mystery, an infatuation that y/n had begun to worry was one sided, and then billie was in her home, in her bed. those dark eyes, that had once seemed so inscrutable, were suddenly an open window to billie's soul.

"i love you so much, y/n." billie says.

"you make me so happy, do you know that?"

"my love." y/n coos, fingers caressing billie's cheek.

"i want nothing more than to make you happy. this has been the most incredible month of my life. i love you so much."

"i know." billie says, and y/n thinks she looks surprised. y/n's heart aches at the thought of billie being surprised that she is so loved.

"you deserve to be loved and cherished every single day, billie baby."

for a moment y/n watches a melancholy expression pass over billie's face before she speaks.

"i don't think i've ever felt happy before."

y/n can't control her expression, knows she must look horribly upset, feels so terribly distraught at the thought that the woman she loves has never felt happiness until now. but billie must misunderstand because immediately she sits up, says,

"i'm sorry. i shouldn't have said that."

"no." y/n tells her immediately, sitting up and wrapping her arms around billie.

"no, i'm glad that you felt like you could share that with me. i just wish that you hadn't had such a difficult life. you are the most amazing person i've ever known, and i hate how much you have suffered."

"but i'm happy now." billie says, a smile returning to her face as she wipes away a tear from y/n's cheek.

"i didn't mean to make you upset."

"you didn't do a single thing wrong, precious." y/n tells billie, pulling her closer, tugging her into y/n's lap. billie lets herself be held, naked in y/n's arms. not long ago billie would have insisted on covering her body, wrapping herself up in a robe. y/n loves this intimacy, this closeness, no barriers between them.

"i just wish you had a happier life."

billie shrugs, looks a little shy when she tells y/n.

"i have a happy life now."

y/n leans forward and kisses billie, tries to put into that kiss all the passion and love she feels, all the joy that billie brings to y/n's life.

when they pull apart, billie is smiling easily again, pushes y/n back onto the pillow and cuddles herself against y/n's side. y/n kisses billie's forehead.

"i will love you every moment i have on this earth. all i want is to make you happy." y/n promises.

billie smiles, looks so content in y/n's arms.

"you do. i love you, y/n."

the world is just billie and y/n, and that, y/n thinks, truly is perfect happiness.


man why cant i have a relationship like this ☹️


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