separation anxiety

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another request by sparecooter- bitches


i'm going on tour for three months and i won't be able to see y/n. i know she has horrible separation anxiety so i bought these bond bracelets for us a while ago. so every time she misses me she'll tap it and i tap back. she said it help a little but it's nothing like having me with her. i've been trying to spend as much time as i can with her.

she would be going on tour with me but college is her passion. she does college online but she said she doesn't wanna wanna get distracted nor distract me. i'm really gonna miss her.

my flight is at 12am so i have to leave at like 9 or 10. i'm not looking forward to that at all and i know she's not either but she's coming with me just to say goodbye.

"baby cmon, you have to let me go." i whine. y/n groan and get off of me.

"i don't want you to go." she groans out.

"i know you don't but i have to, angel." i say, while walking to the bathroom. i grab my toothpaste and toothbrush, putting it in my bag.

"what am i gonna do without you?" she flop on the bed. i laugh and shake my head.

"well, you have college and since you're taking care of shark you'll have him." i says softly. she nod and sit up.

"but i'll be all alone in my apartment." she says quietly and i look up at her to see a tear rolling down her eye.

"you know you can always call me or facetime me and we can talk." i walk over to her and hug her. i kiss her head and rub her back.

"i know but i like when you're here with me. it's different when you're away." she says into my chest.

"yeah it's different but we'll get through it, okay?" she nods and pulls away, planting a kiss on my cheek.

"cmon, we gotta get going." i close my suitcase up and we both walk out, into the living room seeing my parents and finneas.

"you guys ready?" my dad says. me and y/n nod and we walk out to the car. me and y/n sit in the back. she lays her head down on my shoulder and i pull her closer to me.

(time skip to the airport)

we get to the airport and we make our way through security. me and y/n sit down and she lays her head in my lap. i lean down and kiss her forehead. she looks up and smiles.

we stay like this until my flight gets called. y/n sits up and looks at me teary eyed.

"no, baby, don't cry." i pull her into a hug and she sobs onto my shoulder. i feel my own eyes get watery. i pull away from the hug.

"listen to me, it's only three months, angel. before you know it you'll be in my arms again and i'll give you all the cuddles and kisses you want. remember our bracelets? you can tap it and i'll know you miss me." i say softly, looking into her eyes. she nods and wipes her tears. i lean in and kiss her passionately.

"i love you so much, billie." she says once she pulled away from the kiss.

"i love you more, sweet girl." i grab my suitcase and give her one last kiss before walking through the tunnel (whatever it's called idk) i put my bag in the overhead compartment and sit down in my seat.

an hour into the flight i feel my bracelet vibrate. i look down seeing it light up. i smile and tap it back.


i'm laying in bed hugging my bear that billie got me while sobbing. shark is laying in my lap, sleeping. i don't wanna sit in bed and cry for three months so i get up, being careful not to wake shark, and make my way to the kitchen. i get out the ingredients to make sugar cookies and mix all of them together.

i put them in the oven and put the timer on. i go back into my room to see shark still sleeping. i sit next to him and grab my bear, holding it tight.

i hear the timer go off and i get up, going into the kitchen. i take the cookies out of the oven and put them on a plate. i set my phone up and take a picture with a cookie in my hand. i send it to billie but i know she won't see it until later.

(one month later)

i just finished my school work for the day. i go up to shark and pet him. i walk into the bathroom and turn on the shower, getting in.

i wash my body and hair, making sure to get all the soap out of it. since i'm home alone, i walk out of the shower naked. i open the bathroom door and look up  seeing billie sitting on my bed holding flowers.

"b-baby?" i say quietly, tears rolling down my cheek.

"it's me, my love." billie says, opening her arms. i run into her arms, jumping on her as i sob into her chest.

"how'd you get here? i thought you didn't get any breaks how-." i get cut off by billie kissing me. i feel a tear fall down her cheek. billie pulls away and wipes her tears.

"i know i said i'd give you all the cuddles and kisses you want but i might fuck you instead." she says and looks me up and down. i giggle and hit her chest playfully. billie laughs and pulls me into a hug.





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