hair dye

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billie's head was resting on my lap, her ukulele resting on her stomach as she lazily played a few notes, her fingers wandering around the strings. i was focused on reading the magazine i bought earlier that day when me and billie went out for ice cream, i chose that magazine because finneas and claudia (pretend mf's) were on the cover and i couldn't wait to ask them in person about that amazing photoshoot they had. i thought about calling later during the week, maybe inviting them over for dinner if their schedule allowed it.

my left hand was gently caressing billie's hair. she occasionally broke the silence by letting out a hum of dissatisfaction every time i would get too invested in my reading and stop running my fingers through her hair.

the two of us appreciated these brief moments of comfortable silence, we would simply appreciate each other's presence. of course, there were other moments when we'd talk, ramble, and sometimes argue. it didn't matter whether we talked or not, all that mattered was us being together.

i took a quick glance at billie's black and green hair. i was no longer focused on the magazine, my attention span was pretty short and i started losing interest as soon as i finished reading finneas and claudia's interview.

"billie." i called, closing the magazine and putting it aside to concentrate fully on what i was about to say.

she hummed softly as a response.

"your hair dye is fading." i added, running my fingers through some of her roots.

"i know, i bought the hair dye and stuff but i got too lazy to dye it." she replied, picking up her phone and opening up the camera app. she took a strand of her hair between her index and thumb to inspect it.

"well, maybe i could help?" i was hesitant but after all how hard dyeing hair could be, it demanded precision, caution, and concentration kind of like baking, drawing, or even reading.

"why not? i could give you the instructions and all you have to do is follow them, it's not complicated." billie affirmed as she sat up straight.

as soon as billie finished her sentence, we were both headed to the bathroom.

"okay, all you have to do is read the instructions on the box, also don't forget to wear the plastic gloves." billie advised, handing a pair of gloves and a mixing bowl, i was reading the instructions, my eyebrows furrowing and tongue sticking out as i tried to figure it out.

billie let out an uncontrollable chuckle.

"you look so cute when you're concentrated." she tilted her head, staring fondly at me, a blush appearing on my cheeks, i couldn't help but laugh awkwardly.

"oh my god, billie, can you stop staring at me like that, i can't focus. " i retorted turning around to escape billie's gaze who was now snickering.

she wrapped her arms around my waist, back hugging me, her head buried in the crook of my neck, which made me even more of a blushing mess.

"seriously i can't do this if you're clinging to me like that, baby." i protested, acting annoyed. i was actually enjoying billie's warmth, her body against mine and her breath tickling my neck.

"hm, you can still read the instructions, i don't see the problem here." she smirked, before placing a kiss on my cheek.

"if you let me finish this, we'll cuddle as much as you want, i promise."

"deal." she agreed, letting go of me who was now putting on the plastic gloves.

billie played our favorite playlist on the speaker, we both hummed to the songs, some of which were billie's. billie was sitting in front of me as i carefully tried to put on the hair dye in every strand without messing up. i might be clumsy sometimes, but i was pretty skilled at manual activities.

"okay, i think i'm done, you just have to let it rest for a few minutes." i finally blurted out after a couple of minutes, i could see billie grinning through the mirror.

"see, you did great, angel." she confirmed, billie was a supportive girlfriend, she would encourage me even for the smallest things.

whenever i would come home late after being at work all day, she would never miss the opportunity to remind me of how hard working i am. billie made me feel important, encouraging me all the time through all of my projects. whether it was dyeing her hair, cooking, or working, she trusted me for everything, whenever i doubted myself she'd be the first one to reassure me.

"well, i don't know about that, we'll have to see the result after you wash it out." i replied shyly.

"it'll look great, don't worry about it." she reassured.

i smiled back at billie. while waiting for the hair dye to work its magic, both of us literally had a concert in the bathroom.

we were singing loudly, i was using a brush as a microphone and billie was playing air guitar, we were giggling through the songs and acting silly.

"i think it's time to wash it out." i said, stopping my loud singing, billie nodded as a sign of agreement.

i helped my girlfriend wash her hair, the color slowly revealing itself as the hair dye was coming out. i handed her a towel, and she started quickly ruffling her hair to dry it. we were both anticipating the big reveal.

billie's hair was back to its original bright green color, i was relieved.

"you did an amazing job, baby! it looks even better than when i do it myself." billie cheered.

"oh, c'mon you're exaggerating." i simpered, awkwardly rubbing my neck.

billie turned in my direction. she was sitting on the chair as i was standing in front of her. she pulled me closer to her, making me sit on her lap. i wrapped my arms around her neck while her hands traveled down to my waist, out faces a few inches from each other.

"i should let you dye my hair more often, maybe i could even try a new hair color." billie added, a smirk on her face.

"i think green suits you perfectly." i replied foolishly smiling before stealing a kiss from her.


what's your favorite hair color billie has done?


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