mommy ❗️

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mommy 🧎‍♀️


"quiet now, baby."

billie smiled to herself, turning back to the mountain of paperwork on her desk. y/n was knelt next to her desk, eyes trained on her and shifting, shaking, barely able to contain herself. she could hear the vibrating bullet, enjoyed the little gasps and whines y/n was letting out.

she felt bad, heart clenching when y/n tensed up again, turned down the intensity from the little remote sitting beside her papers. billie looked over at her, watched the way y/n's body visibly relaxed when she clicked the button.

"behave, y/n."

"yes, mommy."

billie reached over, pushing y/n's hair out of her face, lingering on a curl for a moment with a fond smile. she loved her girl like this, her baby with her hair curled, long sleeved tight dress, so low cut her breasts threatened to spill over in an instant.

"such a perfect little thing, kneeling so nicely for mommy."

she tried to focus on the paperwork in front of her and truthfully, it wasn't important at all, something that could be completed later, or not at all. but this was an exercise in y/n's patience and behavior.

y/n was whining, and billie knew she was soaked. she glanced over, nearly moaned when she noticed the rivulets of wetness dripping down y/n's thighs and onto the cold office floor. with a shake of her head she turned back to her work, trying to remain as nonchalant as possible and focus on the stack of papers on her desk.



billie tried to keep her tone even and measured, almost broke when she caught y/n squirming out of the corner of her eye. her tongue darted out to moisten her bottom lip before biting down, the slight sliver of white teeth poking out and sending a shot of arousal to billie's core.

she smiled gently, extending her left hand, stroking at her hair before brushing her fingers over y/n's lips. billie relished in the delicious whine she let out, fingertips nudging at y/n's lips only to pull back when her lips parted.

"do you need to suck on something, angel?"

y/n whined, long and deep, squirmed on her knees and billie almost felt bad for a moment, almost told her she could cum, but she kept her resolve strong. y/n was nodding now, a frantic bob of her head accompanied by a puffed out sigh, her blush reddened chest heaving.


billie pushed two fingers into y/n's mouth before turning her focus to the paperwork in front of her. y/n's tongue laved over her fingers, lips tightening around her fingers. she fought back a moan, tried desperately not to look at y/n because she knew she would break the game. knew she would push y/n against the desk and take her right there in her office.

y/n was such a good girl, billie made a mental note to give her a special reward later on, in the comfort of their own home. she was whining around billie's fingers, tongue greedily moving against the digits as she sucked and moaned.

in a split second decision, billie turned the intensity up on the toy, smirking when y/n let out a guttural moan around her fingers. she watched her writhing baby out of the corner of her eye, relished in the way she whimpered and her hips shifted and twitched, chasing a pleasure she couldn't quite grasp, unable to gain enough friction to move from pleasure intp bliss.

"ah ah, baby. now you know what mommy expects, don't you?"

y/n nodded, slow and deliberate, making sure not to disrupt billie or shake her arm. she was careful like that, always cautious with her mommy, and the thought brought a gentle, pleased smile to billie's face.

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