bruised skin

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great another day of being alive. i hear my mom banging on the door telling me to get up. i take a quick shower and do some light makeup. i wear some jeans that cover up my bruised and a hoodie.

i walk downstairs, into the kitchen. i see my mom and dad sitting at the island, drinking coffee. i grab myself a granola bar and a water bottle.

all of a sudden i get hit, with a hot liquid. i turn around and see my dad with an empty cup of coffee.

"oops i accidentally spilled my coffee. clean it up now." he slaps me hard and kicks me in the stomach. i groan, cleaning up the coffee.

my life has always been like this. my parents always call me a mistake. they hit me and i wanna tell them to stop but if i do, i'll get it much worse.

after i finished cleaning up the coffee, i run upstairs to change. i just pick out a different hoodie and sweatpants. i look in the mirror, lifting up my shirt and hoodie, seeing a big blue and purple bruise.

i run downstairs and out the front door. i ignore all the yelling going on behind me.

i walk to school, seeing my girlfriend, billie. i instantly smile and run up to her. billie giggles and hugs me. i wince a little because of the bruises but she doesn't notice.

"hi, angel, i missed you." i don't really get to see billie other than at school since my parents don't let me leave the house.

"hi, baby. i missed you more." i peck her lips and we walk to our first class together. i have all my classes with billie, thankfully.

it's now lunch time and of course i don't have anything. billie always offers me some of her food but i just decline.

"here, baby, take my cookie." she hands me her cookie but i just shake my head. billie frowns.

"you eat it, baby. i'm not hungry." billie give me her rbf but eats it anyway.

we're now at our last class, sadly. school is the one place where i can escape my parents. i don't wanna go home at all.

the bell rings and we all leave class. billie and i walk to her car and stand in front of it.

"can you please come over, love? i've been missing you a lot." i sigh.

"i'm sorry, bil. i cant, yk how my parents are." ive told billie that my parents are strict but i've never told her that they hit me and stuff.

billie sighs and hugs me tightly. i seethe in through my teeth, tearing up. she hugged me right in the spot my dad kicked me in. billie pulls away, confused.

"baby, what's wrong?" billie says as she sees me tearing up. i lay my head on her chest, sobbing.

"angel, come here." billie opens up the back door of her car and gets in with me.

billie pulls me into a hug softly, making sure not to hurt me. she rubs my back up and down, calming me.

"what's wrong, love?" billie says softly. i pull my head out of her chest, lifting up my hoodie and shirt. billie gasps and looks at me.

"baby, who did this to you?"

"my dad" i choke out. she pulls me into her softly again, kissing my head. i cry into her again.

"my love, why didn't you tell me?" i shrug my shoulders.

"i don't know. i just thought you would leave me." billie shakes her head and puts her hands on both sides of my face.

"i would never leave you, angel. i won't ever let him lay another hand on you ever again. you're gonna stay with me, okay?" i nod. billie kisses my forehead.

"what about all my stuff tho?" i say.

"we can go to the mall tomorrow and i'll buy you anything you want." i shake my head.

"billie, no i can't let you spend any money on me."

"angel, we're going whether you like it or not. i wanna take care of you, baby." i nod and hug her.

"thank you, bil." i whisper.

"of course, beautiful. now, how about we go get some ice cream?" billie says smiling.

"yayyy, ice cream." i smile. billie giggles and kisses my cheek.

"you wanna stay back here or go in the front?" she asks.

"in the front so i can hold your hand." billie smiles, opening up the door. we both get out and billie kisses me.

"you're so cute." billie says in her baby voice. i giggle.

we get in the front, billie in the drivers seat. she hooks up her phone to the aux, playing music. she holds out her hand and i take it.

we drive to the ice cream shop, blasting music. we get there and walk into the shop.

"what flavor do you want, pretty girl?" i hum, thinking of what i want.

"i want chocolate with gummy bears on top." billie giggles and tells the person what i want. billie orders vanilla with chocolate syrup (pretend this is all vegan).

"you're so basic." i say to billie. billie looks over at me and frowns.

"you're mean." i stare at billie for a few seconds before we burst out laughing.

billie and i leave the ice cream shop, sitting on a bench outside. i look over at billie just admiring her.

"what" billie says, looking over at me.

"you're just so beautiful. i don't know what i'd do without you." billie blushes and kisses my lips.

"i don't know what i'd do without you too, angel. you're my world." i blush and smile.

billie and i finish our ice cream before we throw it out. we get back in her car, driving back to her house.

we arrive at her house, walking through the door. once we reach her room, i plop down on her bed. billie jumps on top of me.

"ow, fuck!" i say. billie immediately gets off of me.

"omg i'm so sorry, baby! i forgot!" billie says, worriedly.

"billie, love, it's okay!" i get up and sit on her bed. billie picks me up and brings me to the bathroom. she sits me down on the counter, getting out some cream.

i lift up my shirt and hoodie. billie looks at me and i nod telling her it's okay. she kisses my bruise.

"it's gonna sting a little bit, okay?" i nod. billie applies the cream to my bruise and i wince. billie quickly looks up. i nod, letting her know to continue.

after billie finishes putting the cream on it, she kisses my lips. i pull my shirt and hoodie back down, hopping off the counter.

we walk back into billies room, laying on her bed. we cuddle and watch movies together.

"thank you for loving me." i say out of no where.

"of course, my love. always." billie kisses my forehead.




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