panic attack

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i'm sitting in my bed, sobbing into my pillow. everything in my life right now is going wrong. with school, family problems, me and my bodies relationship. everything is just going wrong.

i feel myself starting to have a panic attack. i can barely breathe and i'm gasping for air. i quickly grab my phone and text my friend, billie.

i put my phone down and grab a pillow holding it so my sobs down sound too loud

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i put my phone down and grab a pillow holding it so my sobs down sound too loud.

i hear the front door open, knowing its billie. she walks in my room, sitting down next to me, pulling me into her.

"shh calm down. take deep breaths." she takes my hand and puts it on her heart. i try following her breathing.

"you're safe with me, i promise." i grip her tighter, my head in her chest. she rubs my back up and down under my shirt.

billie takes her hands out of my shirt and starts pulling away. i whimper and hold her tighter.

"no, please don't leave me." i sob out.

"i'm not leaving you, angel. i was gonna lay us down." i nod and lay down, pulling billie with me. she giggles, stroking my hair, until i calm down.

"do you wanna tell me whats going on in that pretty head of yours." i blush and shrug my shoulders.

"it's just everything is going wrong. my family and i have problems. my relationship with my body sucks. everything i do i just fail out. i'm a failure, billie." i say, my voice cracking at the end. i hug billie tighter. 

"you're not a failure, y/n. i know right now you might not like the way things are going in your life but it helps you learn later on. you know i'm always here for you, right?" i nod and smile.

"thank you, billie. i love you." billie smiles.

"i love you too. if you could see the way i see you you wouldn't ever doubt yourself." i look up at her and smile. i kiss her cheek and look at my phone. 2:37am.

"can you please sleep over?" i asks billie.

"of course, lemme go turn off your light." billie gets up and shuts off my light. she walks back over and lays next to me.

"thank you again, billie. it means a lot to me." billie smiles and kisses my head.

"of course, angel. i'd do anything for you." i smile, pulling billie closer to me. 




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