Chapter 1

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Frank's POV:
What's that? I open my eyes to wake up to the smell of coffee and pancakes that comes from the kitchen. I turn around in my sheets and look at the ceiling. The lamp in our bedroom reflects the early sunlight and I hear footsteps coming closer. "You're awake!" My head turns to the door, Mikey has come into the bedroom carrying two cups of coffee and with a bright smile on his face. I get up to sit on the edge of the bed. Mikey, still smiling, reaches the bed and sits down right next to me. "Morning!" he whispers into my ear and kisses me on the cheek which makes me smile and feel warm inside. He hands me one of the cups and I take a sip of hot coffee. "You know what day it is, don't you?" He asks with a smile on his face. What? He must've seen the shock on my face because his smile tuned into a mix of shock and disappointment. "You forgot didn't you?" He says quietly and looks down at his cup of coffee, now starting to tap it with his finger. "No!" I reply not having an idea of the date or what could be so special about it. "No?" He looks back at me again with hope in his eyes. "No! How could I?" I'm so stupid! We've spoken about this all day long last Saturday! It's our anniversary! Goddamnit Frank! "Happy anniversary Mikey..." I say while looking at him with sympathy in my eyes. The blonde guy next to me starts smiling again. "You did remember!" He says loudly and kisses me happily. "Now come on I made us some breakfast!" He says and his voice has the sound of excitement in it. He pulls me into the kitchen and to my surprise I see a bunch of roses standing in a vase on the table. Around the vase, pancakes, marmalade, syrup, butter and a little box wrapped in black wrapping paper. "Mikey!" My voice is way higher than usual. "For you love!" He says in a high and adorable voice. "When did you get up to get all of this ready? It's only-" I look at the clock over our TV, "8:30 in the morning!" I notice. He definitely had to get up hours ago to get this done. I feel bad. I look at the floor and I almost feel tears in my eyes. "Not that early I got a few things done yesterday after you went to bed, luckily you didn't get up to get some water last night, that would've crashed my plans!" He smiles at me. I have to laugh a little. God this man is too perfect for me. I get on my tiptoes to reach his lips and we both have to laugh during our kiss. "Okay now sit down Frankie I want you to open the present!" His eyes sparkle and I sit down in front of the little box that's placed on my plate. Mikey sits down on a chair next to me and puts his now half empty cup of coffee next to his plate. "Open it!" He says excitedly. "Okay okay but please don't be mad, I forgot to wrap your present!" I confess with a smile on my face. "Oh come on that's fine just open it, I want to know if you like it!" I reach for the little box and start ripping the paper off of it. I open a red box that's been hidden under the wrapping paper to find a mat black ring inside of it. "Mikey!" I say loudly while I get the ring out of the box to get a closer look. Mikey smiles. "Give it to me." He says and I give him the ring. He puts the ring on my finger and smiles at me. "Two years Frankie! I can't thank you enough for every second we've spent together!" His eyes are sparkling. Wow, these two years felt like a week if not less. This man makes me the happiest I've ever been. Well, two years with Mikey also mean that almost a year has passed since I moved out of my apartment which I've shared with my best friends, Mikey's brother and a guy named Ray, to move in with the love of my life. Mikey's brother, who's name is Gerard, Ray and I have been friends since I was ten. Gerard just turned twelve and Ray was about to turn eleven. It was my first day at school after I've moved to Jersey and I accidentally ran into Gerard on my way to class. I fell so hard that I broke my wrist and when I was at the hospital, completely alone because my parents already didn't give a shit about me before they found out I was gay, the nurse came in telling me that there was a young man wanting to see me. It was the boy I ran into. He had brought me some comics and apologised for overseeing me in the hallway with tears in his eyes even though I knew it was my fault because I was staring at the floor. We spent the whole day reading the comics and talking about our favourite super heroes. That's how I met Gerard Way who later introduced me his friend Ray. "Frank?" I hear Mikey say. "Hm?" I look at my boyfriend who looks very confused. "Where were you?" He asks sceptically.
"What? Oh- I mean- I'm sorry, I've just been thinking about something." Wow I couldn't stutter more could I? "Not... someone?" He asks with a mix of anger and worry on his face.
"What? No! Who should I be thinking about Mikey? You know you're the only one for me!" The look on his face doesn't fade.
"Are you sure?" His voice sounds serious and a little angry. "Of course! Mikey!" My eyes are filled with tears by now. I love Mikey more than anything but he's always been a very jealous person. Of course he is, who could resent that? He's always been the brother who's got expelled, who failed his exams, who had to be sent to rehab. Gerard never had these problems. He was loved by everyone in Highschool, finished his exams with excellent results and studied art. But non of that was Mikey's fault! He stood up for his friends who actually set the gym on fire, he only tried to help his friend with the last questions in their exams... But his parents hated him for being a  "disappointment" as they called him. No wonder that he got into drugs. My parents hated me too and they let me know whenever they could. Gerard is a great friend but Mikey knows what I've been through and knows how I'm feeling. He gets me like no one else does.

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