Chapter 7

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I quickly turn around. He looks angry if not scary. He looks at Frank who's still crying. He notices the open shirt and looks back at me. "Mikes..." I whisper. I can't really see, there are too many tears in my eyes that are blurring my view. I turn back to Frank who looks scared. Mikey comes closer. Frank runs out of the bathroom. "Fucking my boyfriend now ey?" He says in a dark and scary voice. He's younger than me but still a bit taller. "Mikey did you-" he pushes me. "I didn't do anything!" He yells. "You! You're the one who did something! And I thought I was overreacting!" He pushes me again. "Mikey!" I'm honestly scared of him. Scared of my little brother. I remember when he used to get aggressive when he was on drugs, but this is another level. "I see how you look at him! You whore! He's mine! Why can't you fucking live with that?" His voice is so loud now that I'm sure everyone in the restaurant can understand every single word.
"Little spoiled Gee! Can't even keep his hands away from his own brother's boyfriend!" He laughs but there's so much anger in his voice. I do like Frank but fuck I'm happy for Mikey! If I wouldn't have seen these bruises... "Mikey!" He finally doesn't interrupt me before I can begin my sentence. "What are you doing to him?" I'm yelling even louder than him but my voice isn't as strong as his. "You're abusing him Mikey!" His chest is moving up and down really heavily. "I'm not! I love him! And if that little slut can't stay away from whores like you, it's his own fault!" I hear footsteps outside but he locks the door. Someone's knocking heavily. "Fuck you!" He yells. "Mikey please! Why are you acting like that? This didn't happen in years!" I'm still crying. "Maybe because it took years for you to manipulate my boyfriend!" He grits his teeth. "I'm trying to protect him!" I always tried to. But I didn't think I would have to protect him from his boyfriend. My brother? Yes. But he's his boyfriend. He didn't have a good relationship with Frank back then so of course he didn't care if he was gonna hurt him, but if he loves him, why should he hurt him like that? Of course he hurt me once or twice, but that was because he was out of control. The drugs took over him back then, but if he's clean for so long now, why should he act like that? "Mikey I never-" he grabs my shirt. I like Frank. Yes. But even if he'd come to me and kiss me, I'd push him away as long as he's in a goddamn relationship with my fucking brother! I'm just worried about him! And I'm worried about Mikey! He's acting so weird, why would he hurt the person he loves the most?
"You know, I've been worried about losing Frank, but I was almost more worried about losing you." I'm trying to open his hand to get free, but I can't do it. "But honestly Gee, fuck you." He finally lets go of me and leaves the bathroom. I run after him. I can't believe he said that. I've always been there for him. I've always supported him. I even lied to the police for him. Multiple times to be honest. He can't be serious. We grew up together! I thought I knew my brother, but he's obviously lost control. "Mikey!" I'm out of breath. Mikey ignores me. I keep following him until he gets faster. I see Ray and Frank sitting on a bench in a park on the other side of the street.

Ray's POV:
Frank gets up and runs into the bathroom. Just a moment later, Gee gets up as well and follows him. What happened? Mikey's eyes follow them. "What happened?" I'm confused. Mikey turns back around and looks at me. He looks angry. "Mikes!" I just want an answer to what Gee just saw. I know that Mikey has an idea and it drives me crazy that he doesn't share it with me. I can hear voices from the men's bathroom. A few minutes later, they get louder and Mikey gets up. "Mikey!" I say loudly as he leaves me behind. I feel stupid. I can hear Mikey's voice now. Just seconds later, I see Frank running out of the bathroom. He grabs my arm and pulls me up from my chair.
"Come on." He says while we quickly make our way out of the restaurant. I can hear Mikey's voice coming from the bathroom, but I can't hear what he's saying. Frank opens the door and pulls me a few metres away from the restaurant before he lets go of my arm, but keeps walking. "Frank!" I say worriedly. He's closing a stud from his shirt and then closes the one on his sleeve. I didn't even notice they were open but now I see what he was hiding under his collar. There are huge, dark bruises on his neck. "Frank!" My voice gets louder and he flinches. I grab his arm to stop him.
"What happened?" I ask calmly. He just looks at me. Tears are running down his face. I pull him into my arms. He's so small. He's always been small and that's okay. He's one of my best friends and I always thought he was perfect, even though I'm straight. I noticed that there's something wrong with him as soon as I saw him. He's skinnier than ever and he looks exhausted, and now, the bruises. "Let's go." I put my arm around his shoulder and we cross a few streets until we reach a park. We sit down on a bench and Frank hides his face in his hands. He looks so done. It hurts to see him that way. Of course it's not the first time I see him like that, but that doesn't make it hurt less. I give him a few minutes until he looks up again. "You can talk to me Frankie." I say calmly. Another minute goes by before Frank takes a deep breath and starts talking.
"I- I don't know what happened." His voice trembles horribly and he takes another deep breath. "He acts... different, you know?" He looks up to me and I see how desperate he is.
"I told him I-" another deep breath. "Take your time Frank, please." I put my hand on his shoulder and he goes on. "I told him I wouldn't leave! I never meant to hurt him! I have no fucking idea why he's acting like that!" He's sobbing. "How did that happen?" I point at the bruises around his neck. "He... that's a long story..." he looks at his feet. "I've got time." I smile a little to show him that I'll listen.
"He completely changed! He's so impulsive currently and- and so jealous! Like I mean worse than usual! And he doesn't care if he's hurting me! He- he's kicked me Ray! And I- I was so tired so, I took- a nap and for some reason he got so mad that he pushed me under the water in our bathtub! What is wrong with me Ray? What am I doing to deserve all this?" He speaks fast. He keeps gasping for breath and I sigh. "It's not what's wrong about you Frank." I say after a few seconds. He's always been very critical about himself but I know him well enough to know that he's completely wrong. He would never hurt anyone on purpose. Not even a little bit. He doesn't deserve to be treated like that! Fuck why's there always gotta be someone in his life who treats him like shit? He's a wonderful friend and I know how kind he is and how much he cares about others! I can see Mikey on the other side of the street and panic a little, but I see Gee coming right after him. As they come closer, I can see panic in Frank's eyes and I notice that he's breathing uncontrollably again. "Come on." Mikey grabs Frank's arm and pulls him away. "Mikey!" I try to follow them but Mikey pulls him into the next bus and it leaves. Gerard ran after me and when he reaches me he swears. "Fuck!" He yells. "Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" He puts his hands on his head and falls to his knees. People are staring at us but I don't care. I kneel down next to him and put my hand on his back. He's crying. A few minutes later, I help him back onto his feet. "We need to go to their house! Now!"
He's hyperventilating. He looks around and runs towards the next taxi. "Gee!" He stops. "Do you really think he'll open the door?" He looks at the taxi. "We need to do something!" He's almost pleading. "We will, but we can't just break into their apartment!" He walks back to me and we start looking for our car.
"We can't tell the police! I know we've got to but not until he's safe! Frank is too shy to tell the police what happened, too scared and yes, too sweet! They'd just leave and he'd be in more danger than he's in now!" He doesn't stop talking. He's so worried and it hurts to see him that way. "And Mikey, something's wrong about him! He wouldn't act like that! There must be something that just drives him insane!" He's still looking around, like he's searching for a sign that says 'right thing to do'.
"Did he tell you anything?" He asks suddenly. I sigh. "Yes." His eyes get wider. "What? What is it Ray?" He stops. I don't want to worry him even more but I have to tell him. He already knows anyway.

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