Chapter 13

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           Three years later, California.

"Ouch!" I rub the part of my head where the book just hit me. "Frank are you okay?" I'm in the back of our store sorting comic books. I thought I could reach the shelf without getting a ladder, but obviously, I was wrong. Gerard enters the storeroom. His long red hair is shining in the reflection of the light. "What happened?" He looks at my head and takes my hand away. "Nothing, just dropped something." He chuckles. "I told you, take the ladder or ask me or Ray!" I pick up the comic book and look up at him. He's smiling and takes the comic book out of my hands. Without any problems, he puts it on the shelf where it belongs. "Wow I'm so lucky that I have such a tall husband." I joke around and he laughs a little. "And I'm so lucky that we have some time alone right now..." He says quietly and kisses me, pressing me against the shelf behind me. His hands find their way under my shirt and he smirks when I let out a quiet, soft moan. "Hey! I don't want to manage all of this alone! What are you guys doing in there?" We let go of each other and quickly make our way back into the actual part of the store. We opened it last year after Gerard brought out his first actual comic. "Where's Lyric?" She usually works with us but I can't see her anywhere right now. "She had to leave, she has a lesson." Lyric and I are teaching children how to play the guitar at the school that Gerard spoke about when he told me about our new home for the first time. "Oh makes sense." Gerard is standing behind me and puts his arms around my hips. I look at the ring that I put on his finger almost a year ago and smile again. The door opens and the little bell rings. My heart skips more than one beat as I notice who entered.
"Hey-" Mikey is standing just a few metres away from us. "Mikes?" Gerard's voice sounds shocked. "Hey brother." Mikey tries to smile a little but looks at the floor as his eyes are filling up with tears. "I- I'm sorry... I can leave if you-" Gerard lets go of me and pulls his little brother into his arms. "It's okay."
                       Three years ago
Mikey's POV:
"Are you for real Bob? I told you I don't want this shit!" I open the door to leave the apartment. "Mikes! Now come on! You tell me you feel bad but refuse any help I offer you!" I turn around. "Help? I said I feel like a barrier between my brother and his happiness and all you offer me are fucking drugs? Fuck Bob these things made me paranoid, thinking everyone wanted to hurt me with their actions all around the clock! Causing me to have seizures! I still have nightmares about the moment I hurt my own fucking brother during one of them!" He rolls his eyes. "Goddamnit Mikey, how can you still be so obsessed with this wimp? And what about it? You've been to this shitty therapy didn't that help?" What is he talking about?
"Gerard is all I have besides Frank! He's been there for me Bob! And I'm just scared okay?" I feel tears in my eyes. Gerard did so much for me that he didn't even take the time to take care of his own depression. "You have me! And at least I'm honest with you." What the fuck is he talking about? "What? So are they!" He starts laughing. "You think so? Mikey I've seen them, they cheat on you with all they have!" The tears are running down my face now. He's lying. They've always been close but Frank would talk to me if his feelings would change. He wouldn't cheat on me. "Gerard fucking hates you Mikey. Frank fucking hates you! All they care about are themselves! They wouldn't even care if you'd die!" He knows how jealous I am. How easy I can get hurt. And what drugs do to me. "He'll leave you Mikey. And that won't take too long if you don't show him that you love him more than Gerard ever could." I love Frank and he means the world to me, but so does Gee. "Make him stay Mikey." I don't even reply and leave the building. Crying. If he wants to leave me, he'll leave me. And there's nothing between Gerard and him, nothing I wouldn't have noticed.

I can't keep my eyes off of them. What if Bob's right? My body is burning from all the anxiety that he's given me. Every time they talk to each other, hug or just anything, my heart breaks into a thousand pieces. We're celebrating his birthday Mikey, not your time to be jealous. You were the one who had to work so you couldn't see your brother on his fucking birthday. "Honestly, I don't care if my birthday's already over, this is still the best day ever." Gerard must've seen the worry on my face. "I'm still sorry..." I mumble.
"Honestly Mikey, you're here now, that's what counts." He's smiling at me. He's a wonderful person and I just don't get why no other wonderful guy ever really saw that. Besides Frank maybe... He would deserve someone who shows him that he's not alone.

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