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The war had impacted many.

Some came out unscaved.

Others lost everything.

I was one of the unlucky ones.

My father, Sirius Black, who was the person who had always been in my life, supporting me and loving me, was murdered a short time before the battle.

Leaving me in pieces.

I couldn't cope.

But i had to... at least for a little while longer.

So i stayed.

For Harry.

For Lupin.

For Fred.

I fought in the battle, I hunted horcruxes, I was tortured by the same death eater who killed my father, i did absolutely everything in my power that i could do to help defeat Voldemort, and we did.

But then the little i had left had gone.

My godfather was killed.


I had nothing left.

My heart was already broken.

I was isolated from my friends, my ex boyfriend, everyone.

I was drowning in an endless pit of depression and grief.

I had completed the one thing i needed to do, kill Bellatrix Lestrange.

So before the sun had risen, the morning after the battle, i left.

Without a word.

I took my wand and the leather jacket i had left from my father and was gone.

I either needed to heal.

Or be relieved from the pain of being alive.

It had been two years.

And i had finally managed to fill the void in where my heart used to sit.

No one knew where i went, i never contacted anyone, not even Fred.

We had dated since our fifth year in Hogwarts, up until the months after my dad died.

He had done everything he could've to help me.

But nothing worked.

I stopped eating, sleeping, smiling, taking take of myself.

I wasn't living, just barely surviving.

I wanted to be able to be fixed.

But i was lost.

I was so far into isolation, i couldn't even tell if someone was speaking to me.

That's when i ended it with fred.

I didn't want to.

But i didn't want him to become collateral damage in the path of my self destruction.

He had to let me go.

He adamantly left with his twin to open his shop, that had became a huge success, i stayed in school, as i was the year below him.

Harry was like a brother to me, the golden trio and Ginny were my closest friends.

The death of Sirius hit harry hard as well, and as much as i wished i could help him, i couldn't even help myself.

Either way, i stayed.

Everyone could see that i was hurting.

But my walls were so thick, no one could get in.

I wouldn't let them.

In the time i was away, i had learned how to live again.

I found my self, my old self.

The happy girl, not going an hour without a sarcastic comment, a raging Quidditch lover, always having a book in her hand and a love for astrology.

I wasn't all back to how i was.

But it was an improvement.

My heart still ached every day.

I carried the bruises and scars my past had left behind.

I would always remember.

I would never forget.

The hole where My father and Remus once were, had remained.

My love for Fred intact.

And today, I was returning.



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