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'Alright, since you were being an indecisive bitch, I got you a cappuccino, latte, mocha and cold brew' I announce, holding five drink cups in my hands and trying to balance them as well as possible as i finally returned to where she was sat outside the doctors office.

She didnt reply, in fact she payed me no attention whatsoever, and continued tapping her foot against the hard floor and staring out the window.

'Earth to ginger, you there?' i ask, raising an eyebrow once i unloaded the cups onto the seat beside her.

Ginny blinked, shaking her head slightly and looking up at me, an unreadable expression on her face, however I knew that today was scary for her so all i was going to do was take her mind of things and support her through it.

'Oh...' she starts, looking at the drinks beside her, 'Ill take the mocha, thanks Dan' she smiles, picking up the cup and holding it in-between her palms as she sat up straight.

'No problem my little knocked up friend' i reply, grabbing the cappuccino and sinking into a chair, a smirk on my lips as i made the joke.

She stared me down, clearly not finding a drop of amusement at my wording.

'Too soon?' i mutter.

'Yes Danny, way too soon' She sighed, but i could make out the smile as she took a sip of her beverage.

I had never been a fan of St Mungo's to be quite honest.

I knew some people from school who had gone on to achieve a career in the path of healing, and i applaud them, as wizarding medicine had always been a very highly approved job.

However i just didnt enjoy the environment.

Besides, the main reason i hated it so much, was the fact that if you put me any situation like this, where i have to comfort someone, the chance of me saying some sort of inappropriate joke or comment is pretty much inevitable.

'How long until he's seeing you?' i ask Ginny, after waiting a few minutes.

'We didnt book an appointment, so it could be a while' she replies, seeming slightly more relaxed than when i first returned to her.

I glanced around the room, taking note of how many people were here.

There was a middle aged couple sat across from us, and from the women's bump, i would've guessed she's around eight months, if not, just a short while away from giving birth.

Especially by the look of the tired and scruffy husband, who would've been dealing with all the mood swings.

They both looked absolutely exhausted and on edge.

The man caught my eye, he nodded slightly in a polite way, before yawning.

I motioned my head towards the array of leftover drinks we wouldn't be using, offering him one.

His eyebrows perked up and he sat forward in his chair, a sign which took as an interest.

I got up, walking over to him and his wife, two of the remaining cups in my hands.

'Hi' i smile, holding them out to the man as the wife looked far too busy holding her stomach in discomfort.

'Are you sure?' he questions.

'We're not going to be drinking them, and no offense but you do look pretty tired' i say, earing a small smile from the women.

'Your very kind, and quite right, neither of us has slept since yesterday morning' she spoke in a soft British accent, taking a hold of one of the drinks.

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