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Today was the day Fred would be getting back from taking his trip for work, attending all those meetings for a possible collaboration was something he was excited about, and for that reason i had decided to not bother him too much with uneccessay letters and the such like, knowing i'd be seeing him in only a few hours.

I was currently at home, having a rather lazy day as i wasnt working, and deciding to just lounge about and eat, catching up on any small jobs i had lying around that i had not yet had the chance to get to.

I wasnt exactly sure where everyone was.

I knew Ginny was at a team meeting as she would be resigning from the upcoming season as it was a team rule that you cant play pregnant as quidditch was anything but a safe sport. She was rather upset about not being able to play, but that did mean she would be able to spend a much larger amount of time with Harry, seeing as he's been factoring in working less hours so he can support her through the pregnancy.

Hermione and Ron were most likely at work, and Harry probably with them.

It felt weird to be in the house all alone, i knew this place from when it was Headquarters, meaning there were always people here, always something going on.

Now it just felt lonely.

After daydreaming at the fireplace i headed up to my bathroom to shower, undressing from my shorts and T-shirt and leaving them carelessly on the floor.

I had always loved a hot shower, filling the bathroom with steam and relaxing.

I washed my hair and body, taking all the time i needed, making sure i got the most out of all this privacy.

Ron had always told me that i should go and visit them at work as they were pretty high up so visitors were authorised for them, they had a few hours until they finished so i decided that id go round to the ministry and see what the work day for them was like. I also wanted to thank Kingsley for getting me the job.

I changed into tome tights and a skirt, a black vest on top and finished with some knee high boots and a long coat, wanting to be warm enough to face the weather.

I dried my hair and tied it in a loose bun, applying some makeup and leaving the house.

Fred would get home in about five hours and i couldn't contain my excitement inside the apartment.

I apperated to the visitors entrance and pressed the coded phone number that would take me down into the ministry.

I shuddered at the memories that i had inside of these emerald green walls, however, not that the war was finished the building seemed slightly less daunting.

I approached a lift and stood inside it, smiling at the worker who asked where i was headed.

'Hermione Grangers office? Or wherever she is right now please' i asked politely, watching as he muttered a command and the lift flew back at a fast pace before shooting upwards.

It only took a matter of seconds until it had come to a stop outside a quiet hallway.

'Third door to your left miss' He told me, opening the door as i got out, thanking him.

I read each plaque on the doors until i found Hermione's, hearing a number of familiar voices coming from the inside.

'Her mother and step-father are set to be released in two weeks, only she can keep them in Azkaban, no one else can testify' Hermione's voice called out.

'Dannielle's always been so private about what happened, i dont even know how we'd bring this up' Harrys voice spoke.

I raised an eyebrow, listening outside the door filled with confusion.

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