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Celebrations come in all shapes and sizes.

Weddings, birthdays, baptisms, Christmas', Easter, anniversaries and even funerals.

To me they always felt abnormal, like a day where you were just dreaming.

They seem to put the troubles in the world to a halt for a few hours, sugar-coating things with presents, smiles and food.


Some may find it unnecessary, and i may have used to, but now i see them as so much more.

Everyone's life comes to an end.

I didnt want to spend mine being drowned in the seriousness and stressfulness of never letting go.

And especially since I've witnesses so many lives being cut short.

I was very exited for the baptism today, and seeing my godson once again in a few short hours.

Louis wasn't the only person i was exited to see, but i had told myself to not think about him, this day was for the baby and welcoming him into the world.

The least i could do was put my romantic life on hold for a couple of hours.

'Danny where are you?' Ginny yelled from somewhere in the house, her voice blasting through the ceilings and reaching my ears.

'My bathroom' i shout back, applying some mascara onto the top layer of my eyelashes.

All i heard was a loud grunt in reply and then the distant sound of footsteps stomping up the stairs, gradually getting closer and closer until they were right outside my door.

'i need a tampon' she demanded, her arms crossed and face in a frown as she reached my bathroom, Cleary not in a very good mood.

'Top left draw' i say, motioning towards the chest that sat by the sink.

'i swear to Salazar ,having a uterus is ruining my life' she moans, standing back up with the tampon in her hand.

'I'm with you on that one, but you know... you and Harry have been together awhile' i say, fighting the smirk that was slowly arriving on my face.

'Your point being?' she remarked, clearly confused to where this conversation was leading.

'Well if you wanted a nine month break from bleeding-'

'Dannielle!' she interrupted, her eyebrows raised and posture straightened.

'What? with the baptism and everything, i don't know i just cant stop thinking about babies, besides you and harry would make such good parents' i explain, clasping the back of my earring into my ear.

'Absolutely not, harry and i actually had a conversation about it and believe me there is no way that's happening' she stated firmly, shaking her head as a look of disgust flashed in her eyes.

'Why not? what did he say?' i ask, curios to why she had such a defensive reaction towards the subject.

'Well, we were on the subject of kids and how many we'd want when the time comes, and he started talking about names ... i suggested like Ophelia or lily for a girl and James for a boy' she started saying, leaning back against the door frame as she told me.

I nodded, following on with what she was saying.

'- and then out of bloody nowhere he came out with wanting to name his non existent son Albus Severus Potter' she rants, spitting out the name.

'Your joking?' i ask in complete and utter disbelief.

She shook her head firmly.

'Out of his dead parents, godfather and Mooney, he chose fucking Dumbledore and the teacher who bullied everyone for years' she sighed.

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