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'Thats a wrap today group, you did well but some of you are falling behind' Tristan's voice echoed through the hall as me and Candice finished leading the session.

I had been distracted for most of today so i was more than happy to be heading straight home after this.

Everyone started packing up their things and heading into the locker room, leaving Candice, Tristan and i in the empty hall.

'Black, your doing well, keep it up' He nodded, walking to the front desk to go over some paperwork.

Candice eyed me suspiciously, clearly wanting to say something.

'You seem unhappy' She observed as i pulled on a hoodie over my sports bra.

'I'm okay' I smiled, untying my hair and letting it fall down my back, walking to the staff locker room.

She followed behind me, opening her own locker.

'I don't buy it' She sang, grabbing her bag.

I laughed quietly, not having much energy at all.

'It's nothing, just some family stuff' I sighed, sitting on the bench to pull on my trainers.

'Anything a girls night out with me can fix?' She smiled excitedly.

I chuckled, tying up my laces 'I wish, but it's my cousins wedding tommorow so me and my boyfriend are leaving pretty early' I told her.

'Ooo i love a wedding, you'll have a great time' She clapped as we began walking out of the building.

'See you later Julia' Candice waved to the girl sitting at the desk, avoiding eye contact with me.

I was staying at Freds tonight as him and i were leaving at nine in the morning and my dress had been delivered to his flat earlier today. I said goodbye to Candice and walked quickly to their shop that still had a few hours until closing.

I walked into the shop that was still fairly busy, scanning around for one of the boys.

'So what would you suggest Mr Weasley?' A female voice came from the side of the shop, a brunette girl cosying up to Fred, twirling a piece of her hair around her fingers.

'Either one, both are just a great as the other' He shrugged, seeming tired.

The girl laughed loudly, touching his shoulder as she fluttered his eyelashes.

I chuckled under my breath, turning to go and see George who had just returned from the storeroom.

'Hey you' I smiled.

'There she is, how was work?' George asked me.

'Long' I sighed as Fred came over to join us.

'Well how about a hot bath and a takeout?' Fred smiled, wrapping his hands around my waist from behind me.

'Mmm' I nodded, leaning my head back.

'Go on upstairs, we'll be up in an hour or so' He added.

'You want me to order food?' I asked the twins.

'That would be great' George nodded as he went to serve a customer.

'I'll see you soon darling' Fred said, kissing me quickly as i went upstairs.

Once upstairs i put my work bag in Fred's room, slipping my shoes off as i flicked through takeout menus to decide what to order tonight.

I filled a glass with wine as i dialled the number for a Chinese restaurant in town, ordering a range of different dishes that i knew everyone liked before muttering a spell that filled the bathtub up with steaming hot water.

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⏰ Last updated: May 10 ⏰

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