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'Are you sure you don't want us to come with you, its getting late and it looks like a storms coming' Ginny asked again, frowning as she turned her attention to the nearest window.

'No, I'll be fine' i reply, trying my hardest to fake a smile as i waited by the door, saying goodbye to the others.

'You'll come back right?' Hermione spoke, worry painted on her face.

I hesitated 'Yeah, i will' i reply, before apparating to Diagon alley.


It was raining even heavier than before, the sky was a dark grey, almost black as the night crept towards me, i was stood outside Madame Malkins, the shop where i used to get all my school robes from.

Everything looked the same, yet different at the same time.

I couldn't really make out much because of the rain that clouded my vision, I was drenched in it now, and knew i should probably find Fred before I catch a cold.

I carried on walking up the street, I hadn't been here I a while, however I was still able to navigate myself around, I guess some things just stick.

I had been in the shop before, but it was a while ago and I didn't know if it had changed much.

As i turned the corner, it just about came into view, the storm had gotten worse so i could only make out the orange structure and tall frames, the windows were dark and the shop looked closed, so did the apartment above it.

Even though i was nervous and kind of dreading seeing Fred again, i couldn't help but feel slightly disappointed that he didn't look like he was there.

I just wanted to see him.

I needed to apologise.

I walked quickly up to the door, placing my head onto the glass to get a better look.


I sighed, panting and cold, part of me thought it would be easier to just leave again, but the other knew that i was meant to be here.

I turned around, discouraged by my failed attempt to see him.

But what i faced took me completely by surprise.

There he was.

Standing in the rain.

An unreadable expression on his face as he stared at me.

His hair had turned a darker shade now that it was wet, dripping down his face.

He wore a white shirt and dark purple waistcoat, covered with a black coat.

He looked smart, he also seemed taller, which seemed impossible for him to do.

Our eyes seemed like they were stuck together, a connection between us.

'Danny' he muttered, just loud enough for me to here over the rain hitting the surfaces across the town.

'Fred' i reply, my eyes watering slightly.

We stood about five metres away from each other, my body told me to go towards him, like it was pulling me into his, longing for his touch.

I stepped forwards slowly, as his eyes travelled down my body, taking in every inch of me.

'Fred' i say again, a single tear ran down my cheek, blending in with the rain that soaked me.

'Your alive' he mutters.

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