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Once the group of us were all back at the twins' apartment and no longer in the company of any younger children or older family members, the vibe in the room had changed rather dramatically.

Lee and Fred were grabbing the drinks from the storage room downstairs, as they had a large amount in the apartment but were adamant on wanting more.

And i certainly wasn't going to be the one to disagree with that.

Hermione and Harry had apparated back to the house quickly as they were both eager to get changed, and Hermione had told Ginny and i that she would be bringing us a change of clothes as even though we said we were fine, she insisted.

And to be honest we both knew that she was right but just far too stubborn to give her the satisfaction.

I was currently raiding the fridge with Ron, both of us rather hungry and couldn't wait for the others to order pizza.

'Why do they have like no food?' i ask with an unimpressed expression on my face.

'All they do is order stuff' he replies, his mouth full off cereal he found in one of the cupboards.

'wait...' I mutter, bending down and opening the freezer, hoping to find one of my favourite foods.

'Jackpot' i say with a grin as i grab the tub of ice cream and shut the door, standing back up.

'what is that?' Ron questions, tilting his face to try and read the label.

'This muggle brand ice cream, Ben and Jerrys, its amazing' i say, peeling the lid of and grabbing a spoon from the drawer.

'Muggle brand? the twins hardly ever get muggle brand food' he remarks.

I didnt reply to this, as i knew the reason why fred started buying this particular type of ice cream, but i knew that telling him this would only open up doors for comments about fred and I, and I was aware that Ron was still in the dark with what was going on and i intended for it to stay that way for now.

'Why'd you only get one spoon?' he asks, frowning slightly.

'Get your own spoon dumbass'

'I forgot how mean you were' he replied, whacking me on the arm as he opened the draw, pulling out another spoon for himself.

'Hey, at least I'm actually sharing' i say, defending myself as i hopped up onto the counter, Ron beside me as we both tucked into the ice-cream.

One thing that Ron and i had in common, was our appetite.

We could eat

We were about three quarters of the way through the tub when the front door swung open, revealing Fred and lee carrying a crate of firewhiskey and some other drinks, placing it down on the ground towards the living room.

As fred put the case down, i could see his muscles tensing through his crisp white t-shirt, yet he didnt even seem like he was struggling at the weight.

George walked over to the two, picking a bottle up and twisting the lid open, clearly too impatient to wait any longer to start drinking.

Ron had taken a rather large spoonful, taking half the remaining ice-cream with him as he brought it up to his mouth.

'Oi!' i remark, taking my spoon and attempting to scrape some off it and back into the pot.

'Get off!' he shouted back as i laughed and ducked my head, so he couldn't slap me.

'What are you two doing?' freds voice asked from the front, snapping both Ron and i out of our rivalry.

'Nothing' i say, the words muffled as my mouth was full of freezing cold ice cream.

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