Chapter 25 - Something's changed. I just don't know what it is.

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Charlie's P.O.V

I wake up early to go to the hospital. Beau's responded well to the treatments and is well enough to come home. I'm helping Gina out since she has to go straight to work after he gets home. The boys are stuck doing exams in school which is gutting for them.

I walk into the kitchen to find my dad looking severely stressed out. What happened has still shaken him up. He blames himself, it was my choice to go there not his and we were put in danger together.

"Morning dad!" I greet lightly.

"Morning sweetheart. Going somewhere nice?" He tries to sound enthusiastic but he sounds low.

"Beau's coming home today." I beam. A bit of colour returns to his face.

"That's brilliant news. Send my love."

"Will do." I give him a kiss on the cheek and head for the door.

I look into the living room where my mum is nursing the baby. Carly as usual is no where to be seen.

Luke kindly gave me a lift to the hospital since he's the one bringing Beau home.

The hospital feels empty when we get there. Silently we head to Beau's room and find him waiting with his bag next to him.

"Ready?" I ask smiling at him.

"Yeah." he smiles weakly. I notice worry in his eyes.

"Everything's going to be okay." I promise him.

"Let's hope so." he mutters slowly getting to him feet. He struggles a bit but picks himself up without a complaint.

Luke squeezes past me and picks up Beau's bag, I stretch my hand out and Beau takes it without a pause.

He closes the distance and pecks me on the lips. A warm grin hits me face.

"Let's go." he smiles back at me exiting the room. I drag slightly behind.

After thanking the nurses we go to the car. Typically I end up in the back. I roll my eyes as we drive back to their house.

"Good news." I say unexpectedly.

"Yeah?" Beau replies.

"Carly deleted the video."

"Good. I'm glad." he smiles again reassuringly. "I love you."

"I love you too."

"Guys stop being mushy!" Luke complains. I laugh lightly whilst Beau childishly pokes his tongue out at his younger sibling.

As we pull up outside Beau's house I feel suspicious that something's going to happen. Helping Beau up to the front door I peer into the living room window, I observe "welcome home" banners, a mini buffet, the lot. I laugh lightly preparing myself for the constant shouting of "Surprise!" and "Welcome home Beau!".

And as if I'm a psychic, confetti flies everywhere and we're greeted by Gina, Jai, my family including my sister, everyone.

Beau smiles at everyone and continuously says thanks for all the many nice things being said to him.

As everyone sits, eats and drinks I can't help but feel something missing. Something's changed. I just don't know what it is.

"You okay?" Beau whispers in my ear.

"Yeah, I'm just tired that's all." I smile kindly.

"You're over thinking, I can tell." he comments raising his eyebrow at me.

"I just don't feel..right? There's something missing."

"Oh yeah, I forgot to ask, where's the baby?" Beau directs his question more to Carly and my mum who instantly pale at the question. Frowning at them in confusion my mum gestures for me to leave the room.

"What's going on?" I ask her once we're out of earshot.

"Your sister isn't well Charlie. She's like you." she whispers looking worried.

"Come again?" I ask feeling slightly offended by the comment being made.

"The baby has gone missing."

"How the hell does that make Carly "unwell" like me!?" I snap.

"She's had a mental breakdown I think. She took the baby out for a bit and came home without it. I'm worried, that's why your father isn't here either but we've said he's babysitting."

"I can't actually believe this! I leave this family for an hour, one stupid hour and everything's fallen to pieces! Does Daniel know?"

I wait for an answer but she just shakes her head looking extremely sheepish. I shake my head in disbelief of what's going on. It's pretty dark now and a newborn baby is somewhere alone or with someone. That's my family for you though, they wouldn't even care if you just simply disappeared. Unless your name is Carly of course.

Throwing on one of Beau's jackets I head towards the door but before I can slip out I'm stopped.

"And where are you going?" I look to see Beau leaning against the door frame waiting for my answer.

"Apparently Carly "isn't well" like me and has lost the baby, they're sat in there acting like nothing's wrong Beau! I'm going out to find him."

"I'll come with you!" he insists.

"No!" I say abruptly. "You aren't well or strong enough. Stay here I'll be fine." I peck his lips and leave before I can be stopped again.

Hours pass by and it's pitch black, no ones rang to say if they've got the baby or not so I continue working.

"Well well well. Hello Charlotte." my head snaps to someone stood under a lampost. I feel like I'm in a horror film. As I near I recognise him but I can't work out why.

"Um, do I know you?" I say as politely as possible. I swallow nervously feeling his eyes on me.

"Carly's asked me to do a little favour concerning you, and the baby." he smirks.

"A little favour?"

"I can take you to him. Come on." He turns on his heels walking away into what looks like an abandoned building. I take a deep breath and follow.

I have no idea what's going to happen.

I'm so sorry I haven't updated in like FOREVER! Sixth form has been so draining and taking up all of my time! However, my exams are in May so after then I'll attempt to update a lot more frequently! Sorry that it's a shit chapter!

I think ya'll should know as well that there's going to be some more drama and then the story will be finished!:(

Thank you for being so patient though!

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