Chapter 1 - I was an accident after all.

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Charlie's P.O.V

I sit in my room enjoying the peace of a Sunday, I have peace everyday really, my parents don't hassle me, my slaggy sister is always out and I just put my headphones in and block out the world.

Until today.

"Charlotte! Open the door! Now!" I hear my mum scream. "Charlotte! Charlotte! Please answer me."

"I'm fine mum, just leave me alone." ever since we've moved to Melbourne two years ago I've been miserable. No one likes me or talks to me. I'm different and they don't like that.

"You said you were fine last time and what happened? I found you passed out on the floor!" she yells. She always brings my past up and it's so annoying.

"Yes but today I'm fine! Just go and fuss your favourite daughter yeah?"

"Open. The. Door. Now. Charlotte. Jay. Carter!" I sigh loudly as I walk over to my locked door. I hate being called Charlotte so as you can imagine her calling me by my full name is completely unacceptable.

"What?" I almost shout opening the door. She barges past me and starts searching around my room. "I have no pills in here mum. I'm in a good place at the moment. Please believe me." she stops in her tracks and stands up straight looking at me.

"Do you promise me?" she asks walking over and holding my face in her hands. I frown slightly, I'm not a touchy feely person at all.

"I promise mum. Now please, go downstairs. I'm not going to try anything stupid."

"Okay. Food will be ready in two hours." she smiles then disappears. I close my door but leave it unlocked then return to my bed. The best place in the world. Dealing with her was easier than I thought.

I suppose an explanation would be helpful right now? Over the past two years I have attempted suicide about 4-5 times. The reason being my popular sister thinks she can bully me along with her friends. Her boyfriend Beau Brooks is supposed to be really mean and things but he's never said anything to me or harmed me in any way. I guess I'm lucky. A lot of the time the bullying gets too much and I eventually lose it. No one can ever help me and it's something I can't escape from. I had a boyfriend the first year I moved here but that's a story for another day.

My sister Carly thinks the bullying is harmless until she gets a phone call saying I'm in the hospital, but then she does it all again.

My door knocks again startling me slightly.

"Who is it?" I call.

"Me you loser." the high pitched annoying voice calls back.

"The door is open." I say rolling my eyes.

"I need to talk to you." she tells me sitting down at the end of my bed.

"I've had mum bugging me thinking I'm going to do it again now I've got you hassling me. What do you want!?" I snap getting irritated by my family. Thank god my dad's working late.

"My boyfriend is coming over for food tonight so please be polite and maybe happy?" she suggests in a humorous tone.

"Yeah, whatever. Now leave."

"I need to tell you something. I know you won't tell a soul."

"Which is?"

"I slept with his best friend last week." then the doorbell knocks.

"Why am I not surprised?" I smirk nastily getting up and skipping past her. I run to the door before she can pulling it open. "Hi." I smile standing aside allowing him to walk in.

"Hey. I'm Beau." he grins back. Wow. He's the definition of perfect, how could my sister cheat on him.

"Nice to meet you."

"You're Charlotte? Am I right?"

"Charlie." I correct in the politest way possible.

"Works for me." he seems genuinely pleased to meet me. I'm guessing Carly hasn't told him about my past. Good.

Carly quite literally pounces on him as my mum welcomes him in. We all sit at the table and I instantly feel awkward. Not because of him but because my mum and Carly both have their eyes on me. We have to wait for my dad but I'm not really hungry anyway.

My phone buzzes in my pocket causing me to sigh in relief. It'll distract me for a few minutes. I pull it out and see "Best Friend" at the top. I smile to myself unlocking my phone to read the text. A laugh slips out and I feel all eyes on me.

"Sorry." I quickly apologise.

"No it's fine. That's the first time I've seen you laugh in months." my mum smiles and I feel like screaming. So much for me acting different. "Who was it? What did they say?" she encourages.

"It was Ella. She um, no it's nothing." I look down at the table.

"I'm intrigued now." Beau butts in leaning forward slightly. "Ella Hawkins you mean? From the other school?"

"Y-yeah her." I stutter slightly. "She went on a blind date which one of our other friends had set her up on. He apparently had a six pack, played football and all these wonderful things, blonde hair, blue eyes etc then this little nerdy boy turned up." I can't hold my laugh in anymore and I go into hysterics, tears start falling and I'm more or less on the floor. I pull myself together and sit back up. "Sorry again." I repeat awkwardly.

"It's okay, you can be happy you know." my mum reminds me again. I notice Carly's facial expression, she would definitely be face palming right now.

"Aw man." I groan looking at my phone again. "Mum! Ella gave the weird boy my number and address." and like clockwork the doorbell goes. "No! Tell him I've died or something." I tell my mum and climb under the table. I hear Beau laughing. He has a cute laugh. No, Charlie! Stop it!

I see my mum rise from her chair and head to the door.

"You must have the wrong address I'm sorry." I hear her tell him and he mumbles something back before the front door closes again. I slide out from under the table and return to my seat.

"Thanks mum."

"If you're a nerd then why won't you date nerds?" Carly questions in her spiteful tone which I think Beau notices because he flashes her a dirty look. It's the same tone that makes me lose my temper.

"I'm not a nerd Carly." I say as calmly as possible.

"Yes you are otherwise you'd be in my friendship group."

"Like the last time you mean! The time when you all made me feel so bad about myself I felt I had no one to turn to. No friends or anything! Just dropped like I was worthless. And anyway, I'm not even in your school!" I almost yell standing up from my chair.

"That was a long time ago! You could still be our friends."

"Yeah well that's why I stopped hanging around with you yet you still make me feel awful about myself! I am not a nerd, nerds are intelligent which I am not. I'm failing my exams because of you and I don't have that many friends because I am depressed and prefer to be alone! Why can't you get that into your stupid head!" I scream losing my patience.

"You are a nerd because you dress like one." I see Beau shake his head at her comment.

"I don't dress like a nerd, I wear clothes I'm comfortable in! You constantly dress like a whore so if it came down to it I'd have a better reputation than you! You only became popular because you started sleeping with him!" and with that said I storm upstairs ignoring my mum screaming at me.

This family have always hated me the most. I was an accident after all.

Impersonating My Pregnant Twin Sister (Beau Brooks/Janoskians Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now