Chapter 18 - I sit in my room mentally head butting a brick wall.

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"Oh, wow." is all she can say.

"Why do your eyes do that?" I ask suddenly taking myself off guard.

"Do what?"

"When I say something nice they seem to light up."

"I don't get a lot of male attention shall we say." her cheeks redden which makes me chuckle.

"Well you'll be getting a lot more of it." I wink, winding her up.

"Was that a sexual gesture?" she looks a bit freaked out.

"We'll have to see won't we." I smirk sitting down next to her.

"Carly won't be happy." she comments as I rest my head on her shoulder.

"Why bring her up?"

"She's still your girlfriend."

"I don't care." I lift my head up and lean towards her, before I can reach her I hear shouting approaching the office. I pull away locking my eyes on the door. Charlie stares as Tyler walks into the room with a lot of tissue and stuff on his face.

"Let's sort this out once and for all shall we." the head master says rolling his eyes at us. "All of your parents are on the way."

"No sir! You can't let my parents come here!" Charlie stands up panicking.

"And why not Miss Carter?"

"You just can't, we-" and then a whole bundle of parents burst through the door interrupting her. My eyes widen in surprise realising Charlie's parents have a newborn baby with them.

Charlie's P.O.V

"Um, Charl? Who's that?" his eyes look wide with worry.

"It's not mine!" I defend myself instantly.

"Well who's is it?"

"We adopted him." my mum smiles covering for Carly and myself.

"A newborn?"

"Yeah? So." my mum gives him the death glare.

"I'm just saying." he defends himself this time.

"Charlie, a word outside." my mum says walking out. I follow after her silently. "You have to say it's yours if it comes down to it. I know I said no before but we're running out of options. Carly can't go down in the social scale!" She expresses very dramatically, too dramatically if I say so myself.

"Mum I genuinely can't."

"Give me one good reason."

I take a deep breath waiting for her reaction to what I'm about to say. "If the baby was mine...Beau would be the father." I watch her expression carefully as she thinks carefully.

"You had sex with Beau?"

"Only once. I didn't mean to. It was a heat of the moment. We really like each other mum."

She scans the room with full concentration on her face. "I'm not mad at you." she says finally looking up me again.

"Are you going to tell her?"

"No. She's bullied you enough. It was nice to see you genuinely happy. No one has ever made you smile like that since we lived in England."

"I would go back there in a heartbeat. I miss it there, being accepted. My old friends."

"Maybe you can visit again, for real. See your old friends."

"I've got Carly's baby to look after remember. Or is he mine!?" I spit, acid clear in my tone. I go back into the office joining my dad, the baby, Tyler, his parents, Beau and his mum. I sit on the head teacher's desk not really caring anymore.

I scan the room as the awkward silence continues.

"So what in god's name happened today?" Tyler's mum asks looking concerned. "Tyler, you didn't?" she pauses waiting for any kind of reply.

"No mum I didn't."

"Didn't what?" Beau speaks up looking from Tyler's mum, to Tyler and then landing on me. I shift about slightly knowing I'm going to have to bring the true past up.

I lied about Tyler's friends I know but I hate fights. I can't stand being the reason people fight, fall out, break up. I do it too much by accident and  I can't help it.

"You know I said before-" I pause a second checking he's listening and everyone else. "About Tyler's friends?"

"Y-yeah." he replies looking as if he's thinking about my words.

"It wasn't exactly them. They beat me up before but Tyler actually r-raped me."

"He what!?" he booms making me jump. I look at Tyler who has his head bent down looking at the disgusting, burgundy carpet. Quite similar to his personality, disgusting that is, not burgundy.

"It was a mistake okay!? I didn't mean to she just pushed me to it!"

"How can she push you to it you stupid boy! Just face up to your mistakes and accept the fact that you didn't like that she wouldn't have sex with you because you being an idiot as per usual cheated on her!" his father screams going red in the face. My mouth drops at his outburst. Not even my parents knew about this. 

"Is this true?" my dad speaks up and I feel myself getting confused as everyone starts arguing. As the shouts start getting louder I feel myself unable to handle it anymore, I drop to the floor behind the desk and cover my ears blocking everything out.

It continues for a very long time and I realise I've had enough, instead of feeling upset I feel angry.

"EVERYONE SHUT THE FUCK UP!" I scream jumping up. The room falls deadly silent as everyone locks their eyes on me. "I was the god damn one that was raped, not you, or you, you, any of you!" I yell pointing at them all angrily. "I got over it a long time ago, it may have messed me up in the head but I got over it by myself and without any drama. Earlier Tyler was trying to be all nice and I didn't like it, we ended up arguing which resulted in him throwing me to the floor, Beau and a lot of other people saw. He got angry and kicked the shit out of Tyler for hurting me. There was nothing more to it now sir, please decide our punishments so we can go back to our normal lives and he-" I gesture to Tyler, "can stay away from me for good."

Calm down, take a deep breath and relax. You've done it. You stood up for yourself.

Everyone stands in awe at my outburst but I don't really care. Eventually the head speaks up and suspends both Beau and Tyler for their act of violence towards each other and also me. I don't get a punishment for not really doing anything wrong as such. 

I go home with my parents not wanting to stay in school any longer. I sit in my room mentally head butting a brick wall.

I hate everything

I hate everyone

I hate drama

I hate you

I hate me

I hear Carly come home ranting about the rumours going around, apparently people are saying it's Beau's and mine. I wish, we'd be better parents than her alone.

The funny part is, I found out a few weeks ago that Carly told Daniel that she had an abortion. Sick I know.

He's going to find out the truth if I have to keep babysitting.



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