Chapter 2 - kill me now.

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My alarm goes off for school causing any positive feelings to leave my body. I climb out of bed getting changed into leggings and an oversized baseball t shirt. I roll the bottoms of my leggings up a bit and put on a pair of vans. My hair is quite long so I put it up in a pony tail then apply a natural amount of make up. Grabbing my bag I head downstairs, back to where all the fun was.

I'm so glad I'm in a different school to my sister. The one I go to is just down the road from hers, because I'm good at certain subjects they sent me there rather than her school and I can drop in and out whenever I want.

I forgot to mention before that I'm 17. And obviously so is my sister. Beau is 18 but was held back a year so is in Carly's year group.

I find my mum and dad both sat in the kitchen, he's reading his usual paper and my mum is gathering all of her things for work.

I say nothing as I start to get some breakfast ready.

"Charlie?" my dad says softly. He's the only one that's nice to me and that's because he's never here. At least he calls me "Charlie".

"Mmhm." I mumble pouring milk on my cereal then taking a seat next to him.

"Don't let your sister get to you too much." he half smiles giving me a hug. I nod and quickly eat my breakfast.

"See you later." I say before running out of the door. I notice Beau parked outside behind Ella's car. I knock on the car window making him jump slightly. "Staring into space?" I ask as he winds down the window.

"Just a bit." he chuckles.

"I wanted to apologise for my behaviour last night."

"Don't. Your sister was out of order not you."

"Okay thanks. And, um, just to let you know she hasn't even left her room yet." I frown slightly.

"Thanks for the info. See you soon cutie." he says as I wave him off running to Ella's car. Did he really just call me that?

Me and my sister are identical I guess except a few things. People can easily tell us apart because of our different styles.

"What was that about?" Ella asks me as I climb into the car.

"I was just telling him my sister is taking the piss to get ready." I laugh and she smiles pulling out to head to school. I won't add the end part.

School passes by in an enjoyable blur. No hassle from anyone. I only moved into here a year ago and they've looked after me well.

I usually walk home after school because Ella goes out with her boyfriend. Lucky. I'm too awkward and I get uncomfortable way too easily to get or have one.

I put my headphones in and start the walk home. I speed up to go past my sister's school hoping for no confrontation which I pass successfully.

After about 6 songs I'm halfway home but I feel someone behind me. I slowly remove my headphones then glance back. It's Tyler. My ex. He looks away from me attempting to act casual but unlucky for him, I'm not stupid.

I pull out my phone and dial my sister's number. She was always there for me during the time I was with him.

"Hello?" she answers.

"Carly? I-"

"What do you want Charl? I've been throwing up all day and I'm not in the mood for arguments."

"Tyler's walking behind me." I speak timidly so he doesn't hear.

"Oh god. Right, okay, where are you?" I hear her voice panic.

"Just walking into our street."

"I'm just walking down the stairs with Beau. We are right behind the door so run for it. Nothing will happen to you." she promises and I start running. I'm not very sporty but if I have to run I will. I shove my phone into my pocket breaking into a full on sprint.

I hear his footsteps behind me speed up then slam. My body hits the pavement full force.

"Ow!" I shout in shock. I feel a pain in my shoulder as he rolls me over onto my back.

"Thought you could run from me!" he sneers standing over me.

"Get away from me!" I kick him straight between the legs and he drops onto his knees. I get to my feet and run for the door. I burst through it and slam it behind me. I slide down the wall onto the floor breathing heavily from the running.

"Are you okay?" Carly asks bending down in front of me.

"I think I've busted my shoulder." I groan clutching it in my good hand.

"Beau will have a look at it, I feel the need to throw up." That's disgusting.

"Uh okay." I reply awkwardly as she runs up the stairs.

"Come on." Beau says scooping me up. "Sadly, she's going to be a while." he tells me scrunching his nose up in disgust. I laugh softly and he flashes me his golden smile. He pulls the sleeve of my shirt up but pulls an annoyed face.

"What's up?" I ask getting worried.

"I can't see your shoulder fully." he scratches the back of his neck looking uncomfortable.

"I have a vest on under my shirt, should I take this one off?" I feel myself go red as I ask the question. He nods hesitantly. I pull my bad arm through and take it off carefully.

He sits me on the counter as he takes a look at it.

"It looks swollen. I think you've landed on it awkwardly and forced pressure onto the bone causing swelling. The bruising will come out soon." he explains.

"Awkward is my middle name." I mutter sarcastically.

"Can I ask you a question?" he replies randomly pulling out a first aid kit.


"Why haven't you got a boyfriend?"

"That's a story for another day." I chuckle. I like that saying, I don't have to tell any of my past this way.

"That's fine."

"Beau, once you've fixed her shoulder could you go home please? I am in no state for company." Carly shouts from upstairs making me jump.

"Yeah, okay. Bye then." he shouts back. "You're all done, bye Charlie." he grins leaving the house. I wave but no words come out. What is wrong with me now? Did I hit my head or something?

Five minutes after he's gone I head upstairs to my room, my shoulder kills but it feels better than before.

"Charlie?" Carly calls kindly. This is weird.

1. She never calls me Charlie.

2. She never speaks nicely to me.

"Uh, is there a problem?"

"Can you come here please." I roll my eyes behind the door once again but walk in trying to look cheerful.

"What is it?"

"I-I'm pregnant." she blurts out falling towards me and starts crying hysterically into my good shoulder. Please kill me now.

Impersonating My Pregnant Twin Sister (Beau Brooks/Janoskians Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now