Chapter 7 - "Haven't tried to kill yourself lately then?"

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The familar car horn beeps outside, I rush out with my bag cradled in my arms. I'm late and haven't had time to put all my things into it properly.

"Morning baby." Tyler greets as I climb into the car. I give him a peck on the lips although in my head I'm cringing at the word "baby". I'm not a baby. I'm too afraid to make a comment though. 

"Hey." I smile still half asleep. He doesn't look too impressed by my unenthusiastic reply.

"Late night?"

"No, I'm just always tired." I chuckle. He nods then pulls out to go to school. I frown realising I have to socialise again.

"Make sure you come to my school cafeteria at lunch." he reminds me.

"Okay." I simply reply not really wanting to go. I don't like his friends.

After he drops me off I quickly rush inside not wanting to grab any of his friends, or their girlfriend's attention.

I spot Ella and my other friend Lily-arna, they have both been there for me through my darkest times.

"Good morning!" I smile half heartedly when I reach them.

"Hey Charl! We heard the news."

"Uh yeah, I thought he could have a second chance."

"Be careful this time." Ella smiles supportively.

"If he does anything I'll kick his ass." Lily-arna adds.

"Haha, thanks." I chuckle. The bell rings and it's time for class.


Lunchtime comes and I have a sick feeling in my stomach. I walk towards Tyler, my sister and Beau's school with no confidence.

It had to be me who's dating the one popular boy but also like the other popular boy. I can't win.

I enter the cafeteria scanning to find Tyler. My eyes land on his friends, he is sat opposite them with his back to the door.

A load of cheers erupts from his table as they spot me. I mentally shoot myself in the head. Someone kill me now. I glance over and see Beau watching me. His eyes follow me but I try to ignore it.

"Here she is." Tyler beams dragging a chair to fit in between him and his friend. I sit down not really making eye contact with anyone. "Say something." he whispers in my ear.

"Hey." I pipe up glancing around at everyone.

"Haven't tried to kill yourself lately then?" Taylor, one of the boys mocks. I feel tears start to fill up my eyes, I look to Tyler who simply shrugs.

"You deserve all you get." he whispers into my ear. I look over to my sisters table and her eyes meet mine. Her laughing face instantly drops. A tear falls and she shakes her head at me showing she won't help.

"I knew getting back with you was a mistake." I say loudly back causing the cafeteria to fall silent. I stand up but he grips my arm tightly. We've barely been together 5 minutes and he's already being a jerk. I'm so stupid to have trusted him, again.

"Get your hands off her." a voice booms across the hall. I turn to see Lily-arna storming over angrily followed by a hesitant Ella.

"What are you gonna do about it?" Tyler mocks.

"This." then her fist connects with his left cheek sending him backwards off his seat. He releases my arm hitting the floor. "Let's go. Oh, and if you haven't already guessed you two are over." she spits at him leading me out.

I shake my head at my sister. No way am I doing anything for her ever again.


"Thanks again for today." I smile at Lily-arna.

"It's my pleasure. I knew he hadn't changed."

"Yeah. I'll see you later." I jog into my house. I find both of my parents home. They both turn to me with sad eyes.

"We heard what happened today." my dad explains looking angry. "Your sister told us what happened before too. We're so sorry we didn't believe you."

"It's come to the point where I'm used to it. I'll get over it."

"We can help you!" My mum prods.

"I don't need anyone's help." I frown going up to my room. "I have trustworthy friends which I depend on more than my parents!" I yell down the stairs then go into my room. I hear my dad going off on an angry rampage but I ignore it putting my headphones in.


"Charlie! Carly! Time for food!" my mum shouts. We both rush downstairs. I notice someone else's footsteps and Beau is there. Oh well. It's fair to say I'm always extremely hungry and my sister is having pregnancy hormones so eats like a horse. I'm like it naturally.

I sit opposite my dad at the table who doesn't look up. My mum seats herself down placing the food down and we all dig in. It's curry night so I'm happy.

I need to make a few amends though.

"Mum? Dad?" they both look up at me with confused looks on their faces.

"I wanted to apologise for my outburst earlier. I've been having a difficult time with Tyler and all of those lot and I took it out on you. I didn't mean to, it's just when something bad happens to me none of you seem to be there to help me." It's better for me to be honest.

"It's okay. We understand." my dad smiles understandingly.

"Are you okay?" my mum asks worriedly. I notice my sister's head snap up in astonishment. My parents give her the most attention so this is weird. Nice but weird.

"Honestly mum I don't know. It's just that nothing seems to be going right. I-I think I need to see my counsellor again." I admit. "Oh, a bodyguard would be great to." I joke trying to lighten the mood.

"We can sort that out. A bodyguard? For what?" my mum assures me of the first part, I don't reply to her question. I look up and Beau gives me a supportive smile and I can't help but smile back.

I want to get better. For him.

A/N I have updated early as a request from a dedicated reader:) thank you all for voting for my previous chapter too! It means a lot and has encouraged me to write more:') please vote&comment on this chapter or feel free to message me:)

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