Chapter 15 - "I'm sorry, what?"

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"Carly Carter."

"Yes sir." I answer. Maths is literally blowing my mind. I just can't get it to click in.

I'm pretty sure he muttered something along the lines of, "it'd be better if you weren't here.", how rude.

Jai and I came up with a plan, he does the work and I copy. I spend the lesson copying Jai as he goes along. He's pretty quick so can tell me explanations to give the teacher if he asks how I did it.

"Beau still being off with you?" Jai asks curiously.

"Oh yes. He's pissed that "I" have let Charlie go knowing what state she was in and not supporting her properly."

"Oh aye! Get in there Charl." he whispers jokingly. A smirk instantly appears on my face.

I find it weird that a guy prefers me to Carly. It's crazy. She's better in every single way except her personality I suppose.

"Do you think Beau would've taken an interest in me if Carly hadn't been around? I was invisible to him when I first came here."

"Of course he would've. This is Beau we're on about. He lies through his teeth so he doesn't have to admit his true feelings. He has liked you for a long time."

"Well why didn't he just talk to me?"

"He figured you were too good for him and that dating Carly would get you jealous but only recently you've started taking interest because of the mess you've been put in." he admits. This is madness.

"I barely had a chance to talk to guys when I got here because Tyler wouldn't leave me alone."

"Oh I know. I was his friend at first remember?"

"Oh yeah! Why did you stop?"


"Ah. Why do they hate each other so much?"

"Basically Beau had seen Tyler treat you badly and took it upon himself to confront him during football practice, a fight broke out but we were all sworn not to say a word and no one did until today."

"Wow. That's crazy. I was so oblivious to everything."

"No, you were just trying to fit it."


"So, you and Beau? I think once this is all over Carly and Beau will break up for definite. Are you going to try with him if he's interested?"

"Yeah I think I will. You just wait, once she has-" I stop feeling my phone vibrate in my pocket. "Hello?" I answer sticking my head under the table. I don't want to be caught, the teacher hates me enough already.

"Charlie you need to come to the hospital, Carly's in early labour." my mum shrieks down the phone. I hang up and start packing my bag slyly.

"What's up?" He looks worried.

"Carly's in labour." I quickly say rushing out of the room waving to him.
I run down the road and wait for a bus. By some miracle there's a bus that stops right outside the hospital.

I pace back and forth impatiently waiting for it but it seems to be taking the absolute piss.

Finally I spot it round the corner into the street and I jump on it quickly buying a ticket.

I receive texts off Ella, Lily-arna, Jai and Luke wishing me luck. I think I'm going to need it.

Soon enough I'm at the hospital. I have no idea where the "giving birth" part is. I run up and down corridors unable to find it.

Giving in I go back to reception.

"Excuse me?" an elderly woman looks up from her computer smiling a little too widely.

"How can I help dear?"

"My sister is in labour and I don't know where she is." I say as seriously as possible realising what I said doesn't really make sense. "I mean, in the hospital. I haven't lost her she's already here with our mum, I just don't know where in the hospital." I babble trying to explain the confusion.

"Okay. Go down that corridor, take your first left and then a right. You'll come to a reception, give them your sisters name and they'll direct you from there."

"Thank you!" I smile rushing off. It's the only corridor I didn't go down.
I follow her directions carefully but the corridors are so long it seems to take forever.

"Carly Carter." I say reaching the reception part.

"Room 12." the younger nurse points.
I burst in not knocking to find Carly herself looking half dead, my mum pale and a cheerful nurse. Seems normal to me.

"Charlie!" Carly cries spotting me. I walk to the opposite side of the bed my mum is on and I feel Carly grip my hand. This is going to hurt, she has sharp nails.

After every contraction she squeezes my hand so tight I feel faint. She's been in labour for 5 hours and I've been here for 3. I feel the need to sleep but she keeps me awake by screaming and so on.

"I can see the head." the nurse beams looking excited.

"Really?" I ask, my nose wrinkles in disgust.

"Come and see." she urges grabbing my arm pulling me to where she's standing.

"No offence but I don't want to look at my sister's-oh my god." and then everything goes black.

"Charlie! Wake up sweety." I hear my mum say. My eyes flutter open and I'm on the floor in the hospital.

"What happened?" I rub my eyes and slowly sit up.

"You saw the babies head and fainted."

"Oh. That doesn't surprise me." I chuckle. I stand up and see Carly nursing the baby.

"What is it?" I ask getting nearer.

"A little boy." she replies looking completely exhausted. "Want to hold him?"

"Sure." I take him off her and he's so small.

I nurse him for about an hour then pass him back to Carly.

"You're really good with him, it comes naturally to you." she comments.

"Um, thank you?" is it a compliment? I don't know.

"You're going to take excellent care of him." wait.

"I'm sorry, what?"

I was asked to update so I did:) you're welcome haha! Thank you all so much for reading the amount of readers i have on this story is crazy!

Vote&Comment and i'll update asap

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