Chapter 10 - Out of my comfort zone.

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"Wake up!" I feel someone nudging me.

"What?" I mumble irritated.

"I need to get you ready." Carly tells me in her horribly high pitch morning voice. God knows how I'm going to pull this off. I sit up and she quite literally attacks me with make up and straighteners. "Remember you're Carly Carter! You're fierce and no one messes with you. Shake the loser out of you and be the old you." she encourages. I can't help but feel flattered by her faith in me. Note the sarcasm.

"Yeah I get it, act like a whore."

"Cheeky cow but yeah, that attitude works." she smiles weakly. She has massive bags under her eyes along with the bump.  I suppose that's the beauty of being pregnant.

Once she's done with my make up and hair I'm left alone hearing her rummage through her wardrobe.

Soon enough she returns with a pair of short, short denim shorts and a plain white crop top. I mentally stab myself. This is definitely out of my comfort zone.

I hesitantly put it on frowning at how small it feels. I may as well be naked.

I slip on my white vans, I want to slightly feel like myself.

I stand in front of the mirror and I barely recognise myself. I look exactly like Carly, spot on in fact.

"You look hot sis." Carly comments approvingly.

"Thanks. Thanks a lot." I reply sarcastically.

"No, you really do look like me." she smiles pushing me out of her room gently. "Time for school. Now, smiles, bitchiness and just pure me." she reminds me. Her ego is through the roof.

"Yes. I know. Don't hassle me." I complain heading towards the front door. "See you later." I walk out of the door to see Beau parked in front out of the house.

Deep breath. You are Carly now. Confidence. Happiness and social skills.

Do it.

"Hey." I greet getting into the car.

"Morning." he says rather bluntly.

"Something wrong?"

"Never better." I sit confused by his outburst. Carly now has my phone and I have hers which is annoying.

"Charlie": I forgot to say, me and Beau argued last night about random stuff x

I mentally face palm. Carly is such a pain in the ass, I'm not going to lie. I place the phone back into my small pocket.

"Look, I'm sorry about last night." I should at least try and make amends since I'm going to be the one suffering for the next few months otherwise.

"Wow! You are actually apologising. Are you sick?" his sarcastic remark stings a bit but I need to remember it isn't me, Charlie, he's mad at, it's Carly.

"I won't bother next time then." I snap back trying to be like her. It seems to work, he just shakes his head and drives in silence.


I finally have a class without any of Carly's friends. Lunch is next then I'm done for the day. I can't wait to get out of here.

Hearing "my friends" repeat what Carly's said about me really hurts. I obviously had to play along, acting like I hate myself. I do. She just encourages me.

No one cares about my feelings.

"Carly? Earth to Carly!" the teacher calls.

"What?" I answer grumpily.

"What's the answer?" he gestures towards the mathematical equation on the board. Why did Carly take maths? I can't do maths for shit.

It's my weakest subject.

"I don't know." I admit feeling myself reddening.

"Come on Carly. You said these were easy two weeks ago!"

"I can't remember how to do it."

"We'll be having words later." he tells me asking another member of the class what the answer is. She answers in no time. Great.

It's only 8 months. 8 long, painful months.

The bell goes and I head to the cafeteria escaping from the teacher. I ate a massive breakfast slyly earlier knowing I'd have to eat salad all the time being in this "clique". A clique of judgemental bullies.

"Carly babe!" my "best friend" Kristen shouts across the hall.

"Hey, what's up." I laugh fakely sitting down next to her with Beau on the other side. He blanks me continuing to talk to Jai who smiles at me. I shake my head not wanting them to work out it's me. Jai is making it slightly too obvious.

"Monday is my favourite day for lunch." Kristen carries on.


"Duh! It's take the mick out of your sister day." she says like it's a special occasion. More things to find out. Please, someone save me. Before I open my mouth everyone starts slagging me, the real me off except the boys who all ignore the girls.

"Oh yeah-" I pretend like I'm remembering. "Excuse me a second." I get up rushing back out of the cafeteria. I go outside in the fresh air feeling my breathing accelerate into one of my anxiety attacks. I calm myself down enough to keep pulled together and be able to walk or even function.

I run into the toilets changing into my normal clothes heading towards the exit.

"Charlie?" a voice calls behind me.

"Oh, hey Beau." I reply still trying to calm down my breathing.

"Are you okay? Where's Carly?"

"I'm fine. We've both got to go home, family drama. She ditched me to get there first." I lie.

"I hope it gets sorted out whatever it is." he smiles warmly.

"Thanks Beau." I jog off down the road towards the house.

I burst through the door shutting it behind me. I sit at the bottom of the stairs.

"Charlie? What's happened!? Did they find out it was you?" my mum throws questions at me. I hear Carly at the top of the stairs slowly approaching me.

"I can't do it mum. They constantly slag me off and it hurts! I can't believe you either!" I yell pointing at Carly getting to my feet.

"What have I done?"

"Well where do I fucking start!? "Hey Carly, do you have more of your sisters medication" or "Is she walking home today so we can jump her?", you're such a bitch!"

"Please don't be like this Charl! I need you." she pleads.

"You're so lucky I didn't tell Beau earlier, I saw him before I came home."

"What did you tell him?"

"Just that we had family problems."

"Good. Thanks." she sighs relieved. I nod stepping backwards in an attempt to escape but I'm cut short by my mum blocking the way.

She looks at me with sadness in her eyes but all I feel is anger. At the end of this there'll be one person left hurt, that'll be me.

"Please, just try." she practically begs desperately.

"I'll try." I've got a new plan.

Early update since wattpad messed up the last one:) hope you liked it, please vote and comment i had loads on the previous chapter surprisingly even if it was in two seperate chapters!

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