Chapter 18

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December 28th

Abel's POV

Another week has passed and it finally began to snow. I've always had such a strange obsession with snow ever since I was a child, winter in it's entirely actually. I wasn't sure why, I guess I preferred the cold weather over the hot one…I didn't like to sweat, and that was something I did profusely. 

It was coming closer to January, and closer to Elizabeth's wedding and coronation. I could tell that she was not looking forward to it and frankly I felt for her. That gentleman from last time, her fiance, he came by yesterday just as he said he would. I could see the discomfort on Elizabeth's face when he pushed her into the room and locked them in. They were in there for a long while, he was probably forcing her to do god knows what with him. Things like that did not sit well with me, consent always comes first,  doesn't matter if you're married or soon to be married, it is always valid.

"Earth to Abel." Helga said, shaking my shoulder. I snapped out of my thoughts and looked down at her.

"I'm sorry Helga,  got lost in my thoughts. What is it?" I asked, smiling down at her.

She squinted and stared at me, as if trying to read me. "What were you thinking about?" She asked, raising an apple to my mouth. I leaned down and took a bite. I moaned when the sweet juice hit my tastebuds.

"It's nothing really." I said while chewing. 

"Ew don't speak while you're eating Abel." She said brushing off a piece of the apple that fell from my mouth. I chuckled softly and nodded.

"Come here." I said, pulling her unto my lap. She straddled my thighs and rested her hands on my chest. I smiled as I stared up at her. "You are very beautiful Helga. I can't believe that I hadn't noticed way before." I said as my eyes roamed over her features. Her cheeks reddened and she shook her head.

"I'm as average as they come Abel, look at the princess for example, she is GORGEOUS." She said playing with my shirt collar. I nodded on in agreement. I mean she isn't wrong, Elizabeth is absolutely stunning, everything about her. Her face, her slender curvy body, everything. It was as if Aphrodite sculpted her herself.

"Yeah you're not wrong." I said as I thought about the princess. Helga's expression faltered into a frown and she lowered her head. I cursed under my breath as I quickly caught on to my mistake. I raised her head so she would face me. "Buuuut, that doesn't mean you are any less than she is." I said. "You are so alluring Helga." I said leaning up and capturing her lips.

She sighed against my lips and returned the kiss full force, biting and sucking on my lower lip. She pulled back quickly.

"I have something I want to show you. " she said and a large grin spread across her face.

"Really?  what is it?" I asked. She shook her head.

"It's a surprise, come we still have some time so we have to go quickly." She said and pulled me away from the wagon. She took one of the horses out of their stall then she made her way outside. 

"Hey wait." I said grabbing her arm and stopping her. "Helga...where are we going? And you know we can't just take one of the horses without permission." 

"Don't worry about that Abel, I've done this before, we won't be staying long and it's not far I promise." She said, giving me a reassuring smile. I pinched the bridge of my nose and sighed.

"Alright fine, but let's hurry. I really don't want to get in trouble." I said. She chuckled softly. 

"We won't because no one will find out." She said climbing onto the horse. "Come, hop on." She smiled and patted the space behind her. 

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