Chapter 48

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Abel's POV

It was dark, very dark. I heaved as my lungs ached for air. Was I...running? I glanced down at my feet. They moved unnaturally fast, pushing forward one leg before the other. I was running but to where?

It didn't seem like I had a destination. Out of the dark mist a dirt road appears in front of me, a grove of trees lining either side. Despite wanting to navigate my new surroundings, my feet refused to stop, as if warning me to continue on. Then I heard it, the strain of loud screams resonating from the back of my mind.

I was being chased. But by who.

A quick whip of my head gave me my answer, which wasn't as clear as I hoped. A freakishly tall figure, cloaked from head to toe, the only visible feature being their eyes. Eyes that I was so familiar with, too familiar.

The figure strides closer and closer, reaching out its clawed hands and trying to grab me and although my feet continued to move abnormally fast, it felt as if I was stuck in place. I was going to die.

Then a hand grabs my arm, the grip harsh and tight. A heavy feeling of dread fills the pit of my stomach. And fear bubbled in my throat. A feeling I was all too used to.

I was going to die.

"Abellll!" It taunted, its voice coarse and deep.



My body jerked and my eyes snapped open, taking in the dimly lit room. My eyes stared wide as realization finally came flooding in. was a dream.


I glanced up at Elizabeth who was looking down at me with a very concerned expression. I sighed heavily and sat up.

This wasn't something new for me. I've had recurring nightmares for about three years now, ever since that day.

I'd fall asleep then wake up merely minutes after and lay awake for the rest of the night. I thought I was finally getting over it because I haven't had as much as one nightmare for the past year now. I suppose I was wrong.

"Abel, are you okay? You were mumbling and twisting and turning in your sleep...You're sweating." Elizabeth asked and ran a hand across my forehead.

No. I wasn't okay. I was tired, both physically and mentally. My mind never seemed to get any rest since that day and it was always the same damn dream. Me being chased down a dirt road, my pursuer would catch up to me and kill me anyway they could. I never saw their face, only their eyes, but I knew all too well who it was that plagued my dreams.

"Uh yeah. Sorry if I woke you, I'm fine." I said and ran my hands through my hair. It was starting to grow a bit too long, I'd need to cut it again.

Elizabeth grabbed my jaw, forcing me to look at her. Despite my inner turmoil, a swarm of butterflies erupted in my stomach as I stared back at her green orbs.

"Why are you lying to me?" She frowned. I shifted my gaze from hers and removed her hands.

"Liz..." I tried to pull away.

"Abel." She sighed heavily and pulled my head to her chest, something she would always do to get me to talk. I sighed and wrapped my arms around her waist then pulled her onto my lap.

We stayed sitting in silence for a couple minutes with Elizabeth running her fingers through my hair while I continued to embrace her. Then I spoke.

"I've been having night terrors for a few years now." I said and tightened my hold.

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