Chapter 54

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As the sun began to set over the horizon, casting a golden hue upon the lands of Benevento, the air began to cool but the relaxed ambiance of this country made you nothing but warm.

Today in particular, was a very special day. For who? One might ask, well, for two persons who are completely enamored with each other, so in love that the mere thought of being away from the other for even a second, leaves their hearts bruised like a fallen petal.

Abel and Elizabeth. They had come a far way in their relationship, had gone through many trials and tribulations, overcoming all and finding their way back to each other every single time. One could say this was the true definition of love and they would be correct, however this bond runs so much deeper. These two weren't only lovers, they were best friends, they were soul mates. Both souls tied tightly by that blood red thread, pulling taught whenever they went too far apart and tugging at their hearts, constantly reminding them that they were destined for each other and that they were stuck with each other for as long as that thread holds.

Not that they hated that, it was the opposite of course. These two loved each other like how the drunks loved liquor and today was the day that they would finally get to share that love with everyone else.

Abel's POV 

I paced around the room, searching endlessly for my bow tie and boutonnière. I was a bit discombobulated at the moment and it was all making me very irritated. 

"Abel my child, why don't you stop and take a breath. You're breaking into sweat." 

I stopped in my tracks and turned towards the voice. My father stood by the entrance of the room, a bright smile plastered onto his aging face. He was dressed in a military suit adorned with his mantle, similarly to mine, which was adorned with gold.

"Ahh." I touched my forehead, now realizing that I was indeed sweating bullocks. "That you're right. I'm just in a hurry to find my bouton-" I stopped mid sentence when he removed his hands from his back and held up the golden flower. He smiled and made his way over to me.

"I figured I'd have one made special for this occasion." He said and pinned the flower onto my chest. I turned and looked at myself in the mirror. I really did look like a man, I would never be mistaken for a woman. I ran my hands along my chest, making sure that nothing was obvious. 

My father sighed from behind me and placed a hand on my shoulder. "You're fine, don't worry. Now come, you have a big day ahead of you. Your bride is waiting to walk down that aisle." He said, smiling at me through the mirror. I took a deep breath and nodded.

He was right, I had no time to waste on silly thoughts, not right now. 

I gave myself a final once over before I grabbed up my coat and we both made our way out of the room.

It was still so surreal to me that today was my wedding day, something that I had never envisioned as possible, not for someone like me. But here I was, sitting inside a stagecoach, on my way to the cathedral.

Numerous thoughts flickered through my mind, like whether Elizabeth would actually show, or if this was something she actually wanted, but I had to will myself to get rid of those thoughts. I tend to sabotage my own happiness in moments like these and I vowed that I wouldn't do that today.


I jerked out of my thoughts and glanced down at Marcus who sat quietly next to me. He was six now and was one of the strangest kids I've ever encountered. He was extremely quiet and kept to himself and he would much rather be reading books about politics than play soccer in the mud with the other boys around the palace. I can already tell he's going to be an excellent leader.

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