Chapter 42

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Narrators POV

Another gloomy day in Arkadia, especially for Andreas. The nobleman sighed heavily and rested his head in his palm, conpletly bored out of his mind with the woman in front of him.

"Why are you sighing so much? Am I not entertaining enough?" The woman asked and crawled over to him. She crawled her way between his opened legs, then took a seat on his lap. She ran her hands over his broad shoulders and down his chest. "You're so tense." The woman whispered seductively to him.

"Just stressed." He replied back. "Do me a favor and get off of me." He whispered back, before shoving the woman off his lap. She squealed and groaned loudly when she landed on the ground. Andreas stood and stared down at the woman.

"What the hell!" The woman yelled at Andreas who completely ignored her. He sighed heavily and smoothed his jacket then he reached inside his pocket and took out some cash. He glanced back at the half naked woman still one the floor, anger all over her face. He scoffed and threw the money down at her.

"Buy yourself something nice." He said before he turned to leave.

"Fucking jerk." He heard the woman grumble but he was too tired to turn back and make her eat her words.

Andreas sighed heavily and took a cigar from his pocket, lighting it up quickly then he began making his way back to the castle. He ignored the multiple stares he got from passers-by, they all knew who he was and they all probably thought he was depressed now that his wife was abducted but in all truth Andreas didn't care one bit. He only married Elizabeth for the things that came with it...more money, a larger with a beautiful woman. He couldn't care less for the girl's whereabouts, but now that she was 'missing', it made him look bad, even though he didn't care what people had to say about him.

"Good day sir." The guard at the front gate chimed, Andreas ignored him and walked right past. The sun was setting and he needed to get back to the prisoner, Abel. He scowled as he thought about the woman. He couldn't believe that Elizabeth would choose A WOMAN over him, he knew she was stupid but not that stupid. He also knew that she ran away on her own accord, the king knew it too but imagine what people would think if they found out the truth. They would say how much of a bad husband he is, that he wouldn't be fit to be the new king and that just wouldn't do...he needed that throne.

"Andreas, a word." The nobleman stopped dead in his tracks and turned to see a very furious king behind him. He smiled widely over at the man before taking a final drag from his cigar then he pressed the butt of it against the wall.

"To what do I owe-"

"Cut the bullshit and follow me." King Gerald snarled, cutting him off. He scowled as he watched the king walk down the opposite hall then he sighed heavily and followed after the much older man.

When both men got to a more private area the king turned and it was as if he had been holding in all his anger abecause in a flash the back of his hand made contact with Andreas's face. The loud sound echoed around the empty hallway.

Andreas's head was snapped to the side, his mouth gaping and his eyes opened wide, too stunned to comprehend what had just happened.

"Si-" He turned to question the king but was quickly cut off once again.

"Explain to me why after TWO days that woman is still alive and in MY castle!" The older man roared.

Andreas rubbed his jaw and stared back at the man. "I'm still questioning her si-"

"I don't give a damn, she needs to be executed by the end of TODAY. Am I clear?" The older man warned, his large stature towering over the noble.

"Yes sire." Andreas said through gritted teeth.

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