Chapter 30

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Abel's POV 

It's been a little over a week since I've been locked up in this god forsaken cell. With a very uncomfortable stone-like bed and one meal a day, which consisted of old rotting scraps from what I assumed was earlier dishes and infested with insects.

I was cold and undoubtedly starving. Not to mention the rancid stench that took over this underground prison, but that was to be expected since there was no real sanitary means of releasing bodily waste. But, this is what I have to endure for the time being. I had to remind myself that I was the only one responsible for me being here after all. 

I groaned and hugged my stomach as it ached. I've been sitting here, uncomfortably, for the past twenty minutes. My bladder was full and I was seconds away from bursting. I scanned the small room, as I've done for the last fifteen minutes and decided that it wouldn't hurt to pee in the far corner of the room. It wasn't something I wanted to do of course. Having the smell of my urine only a mere two? three feet away from where I slept was not pleasant, but at this point in time, I had no other option. 

I sighed heavily and wobbled over to the corner of the room. I unbuttoned my trousers and allowed it to pool at my feet, then I glanced down at the wall, staring at the stained concrete. I guess the last guy had the same idea. 

Another sigh left my lips as I contemplated whether or not I would actually go through with this, maybe I could hold it for another day or two. 

"Just get it over with Abel." I mumbled to myself and sighed before finally relaxing and releasing my pent up bladder. I sighed in relief. It felt almost orgasmic. To empty after keeping it in for such a long time.

"My my, the moon does shine brighter than the sun." I jumped slightly at the sound of Helga's voice. I groaned under my breath and quickly pulled up my slacks.

"Hello to you too Helga." I rolled my eyes as I buttoned my pants. A fit of laughter took her over.

"Why must you pee half naked, what if it was Elizabeth. The first thing she would see is your round behind, which I must say has gotten bigger?" She snickered with a wink. I felt my cheeks warm at the thought of Elizabeth seeing me in such a state before shaking those thoughts from my head.

"That will never happen, anyway what is it that you want?" I asked as I leaned against the bars and folded my arms.

"Is that the way you talk to your benefactor? Remember I'm the only reason you're not eating slob everyday like the rest of these hooligans." She raised a brow playfully. I rolled my eyes and raised my hands.

"Alright alright, my apologies your highness. I am very hungry so I'll be grateful." I said. She rolled her eyes and slid the tray through the small space at the bottom. I grabbed it and quickly dug in.

"Be sure not to choke now." She chuckled as she watched me basically inhale the food.

After a minute or so of silence I spoke. "So, how's Elizabeth doing?" I asked with a full mouth. Helga gagged and scowled at me.

"At least finish chewing. And I wouldn't know, I'm not her handmaiden anymore, have you forgotten?" I groaned as my memory caught up to me.

"Right…" I sighed and pushed the almost empty platter back to Helga, my appetite already vanishing. Then I made my way over to my bed, or should I say the concrete slab that I was subjected to sleep on.

"Abel.." Helga started, sensing my inner turmoil.

"I'm just...worried about her, is all. What if he comes back and decides to take his anger out on her Helga? God I am such a fool." I said, digging my hands into my thighs. It was something that I've been doing recently, most times without even realizing it. Whenever I got too lost in my thoughts I would find myself doing it unconsciously and that normally took me out of my head.

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