Chapter 5

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(I just realized that I haven't shown you guys Elizabeth's character, my bad, but Vanessa above plays Elizabeth).

September 15th.

Abel's POV

I jerked out of my sleep by the loud banging that was coming from the door. I scrambled out of bed, for the third time now, disheveled and unable to see properly, the only conscious thought running through my mind was to stop the noise coming from the door.

"Bloody hell!" I cursed when I bumped my side into the edge of the table. I hunched all the way to the door. When I finally reached the door I opened it. I tried my best to see past the blurriness of my eyes and took in the short old lady, who was most likely a maid or a cook, I don't know I've never seen her around before.

"What are you still doing in pajamas girl?" She asked with her hands on her hips. "Today's a very busy day, we need all the help we can get, get dressed and get to the hall." She said firmly before walking away. I groaned and closed the door. 

I was still very tired. I did a lot of work yesterday, and I hadn't gone to bed until late in the morning but I knew that sleeping in was not a choice. So I did my regular morning routine, took a quick bath and got dressed before I left my room and headed for the kitchen. I should at least eat something first.

When I got there it was jam packed, no surprise there. Everyone was busy running around in a hurry, getting the last meals and desserts prepared. I glanced at where the servants breakfast was normally placed at a table at the far end of the kitchen. It was empty. As if on cue my stomach rumbled, I sighed. It didn't seem like they had enough time to get breakfast done.

"Hey kid get outta the way!" One guy said shoving me aside. I stumbled back slightly and glared as he walked away. I groaned and rubbed my shoulder. I guess breakfast was off the menu today. I left the kitchen and headed straight for the hall.

I stared in awe as I stepped into the large room. It always seemed to amaze me of how big this place actually was. The large room was decorated from floor to ceiling, a large crystal chandelier hung from the ceiling right in the center, numerous tables and chairs being set out for guests but what really caught my attention was the extremely large painting that hung just above the thrones. It was of the princess sitting on a throne, chin held high as she looked down at us. I don't remember it being there before, it was the first time I ever saw it. It hung snug against the wall, as if it was a part of it. I felt so captivated by the painting that I hadn't even realized that I was walking towards it, and inevitably towards the throne.

I snapped out of my thoughts when I was harshly dragged back by my shoulders, my legs stumbled and I fell backwards right to the ground with a hard 'thud'. "What the hell are you doing lad !" The same guard from yesterday whisper yelled, glaring daggers at me. I shook my head and looked around, now realizing that I had crossed the chained barrier that was set up around the throne, solely for the purpose of keeping persons away from it. He quickly pulled me up and out of the semi circle and looked around. He then glared at me waiting for an explanation. 

I scratched the back of my head. "Oh I'm so sorry, I- I was just looking at the painting I hadn't realized." I said glancing back up at the painting. He sighed and shook his head.

"You're lucky it was just me, you could've gotten in some serious trouble pal, you aren't allowed to be that close to the throne, please be more vigilant." He said letting go of my shoulder. I nodded. "Good, now since I bumped into you, come with me, we could use an extra pair of hands out back." He pointed over his shoulder before he turned and began to walk away. I glanced at the painting one last time before following him.


Hours went by with me doing multiple different duties throughout the day. Helping the guards, the maids, the field workers. To say I was tired was an understatement, I was beat. The sun had just set and guests from all over the country had started piling into the castle. You could tell, just by looking at them, that only a certain type of people were allowed to attend. It was people of higher class rankings, nobles, Emperors and prince a princesses alike. They wore expensive suits and dresses and they talked as if they were in competition with each other. I hope to never reach that level of egocentricity.

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