Chapter 11

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November 23rd.

Elizabeth's POV




I jerked out of my thoughts and lifted my head from where it rested in my palm only to be met with three sets of eyes staring at me, one with concernsand the other two with anger. I shook my head.

"I'm sorry... I seemed to have dozed off for a bit." I said looking down at the polished table. I could feel my mother piercing holes into my skull from the far end of the table where she sat. We were currently in a meeting, if it could be called that, but apparently it was very important. I wasn't even interested in the slightest. My parents had picked a group of noblemen that had attended my ball two months ago and were 'negotiating' the benefits of joining our kingdoms, I was only here to sit and listen, nothing else...

"Well Sir Raymond we will be in touch." My father said while rubbing the small strands of hair on his chin. Ive always wondered why he didn't just shave it off. Sir Raymond stood and bowed respectfully to my parents before turning to me. He smirked at me before bowing and leaving. Yuck. "Next!" Dad yelled.

The servant scurried off to fetch the next person in line. I sighed heavily and propped my head in my hand once again. Every time I thought about this whole marriage arrangement I get sick to my stomach. It was as if I was some object being sold to the person with the highest bidding.

"Good day your majesties." I was brought out of my thoughts by that familiar voice. I raised my head and turned in my seat to see who the next noblemen was. I gasped and my eyes widened. "Princess, it nice to see you again." He smiled at me as he was escorted to the seat across from me.

"Ahhh Prince Andreas, what a lovely surprise." Father said giving him a hearty laugh which he joined in on. I quickly closed my mouth, realizing that I had it hanging open. What was HE doing here. He caught my gaze and gave me a warm smile.

"Would you like anything refreshments? You must be tired from all the traveling." Mother said motioning to the maid who scurried over and quickly poured some tea in the glass in front of the prince. He thanked her before taking a sip.

"Well your majesty, I've actually been in town for two weeks now. I figured it would be much more convenient if I were to get here early rather than late, don't you think?" He asked, peering over the rim of the glass and taking another sip of the tea.

"Well, that does make more sense." She said smiling at him. I squinted at him, trying to figure out what he was really doing here, at this table drinking tea and talking to my parents about how much good it would do if we joined kingdoms. I distinctly remember him telling me that he wasn't interested in marriage at such a young age and he did sound convincing. So why was he here, did he change his mind?

"I personally favor the princess, why you might ask? She has this aura about her that most women I've come across do not posses, I admire it. The women back in my hometown could never compare." He said smiling at me. I felt my cheeks heat up when everyone's eyes fell on me. What was he doing.

"Our Elizabeth is quite the character isn't she." My mother said, her words dripping with sarcasm. I frowned.

Our meeting continued for another hour, which consisted of my parents laughing up a storm with prince Andreas and me still trying to figure out the real reason for him being here.

"Oh my, I hadn't even realized how much time has passed, it's almost nighttime!" Father said, looking out the large windows.

"Oh my, there were a few other noblemen to see weren't there? I hadn't even realized that we've been talking for this long" Mother said.

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