Chapter 27

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Abel's POV

A few weeks have gone by since the little trip up to the north and if I was being honest I wish I could turn back time and keep my mouth shut.

I was back to living a solitary life, having no conversations with anyone. Elizabeth still has not spoken to me and every time I would try to initiate conversation she would just quickly leave or make excuses about having work to do...she didn't have anything to do but read in that room.

And as for Helga, she definitely meant what she said. She also has not spoken a word to me, not even much as a glance. I've seen her around the castle most days being that she's Elizabeth's handmaiden, she comes up to the room quite frequently.

I remember an instance,  last week when she came up with the clean laundry, I made an effort to alleviate the tension that had formed around us, so I said hi.

She didn't respond though, she didn't even glance at me. It was as if I was completely invisible and in a way, that pained me. I think that was the moment when I finally took things in its entirety, knowing that I was no longer anything to her, not even a friend. It made me incredibly sad.

It came to a point where I questioned myself, how had I lived so detached from the world, all alone.  But I had to remind myself that I've survived that way before, for most of my life, so it shouldn't be difficult to do so again.

I sighed heavily and slid along the tree and down to the ground. It was lunch time but i didn't feel like getting food, my appetite has been nonexistent for the past few days. My body was pretty used to not eating for a length of time so it didn't bother me much.

I glanced up at the sky. It was a very clear day, no clouds to be seen. Just the bright, hot sun.

My head snapped to the left when I heard the distinct crunching of leaves, the sound coming closer and closer. Then out of the bushes,  to my surprise,  I saw Helga coming my way. She looked in my direction and instantly stopped in her tracks, then she turned and quickly started in the opposite direction.

"Helga wait!" I sprung to my feet and ran to catch up to her. This time, however,  she started running too. I gritted my teeth and pushed my legs to go faster, but heaven, she was fast.

As I got closer to grabbing her, I felt my right foot hit something in the ground and twist slightly and before I knew it, I was falling face first onto the dirt path.

I landed with a loud 'thud' and slid across the dirt path, a cloud of dust particles lifted around me. I groaned and quickly lifted myself unto my knees and inspected my arms.

My palms were a bit bruised with small cuts, one had a pebble stuck inside it. My right elbow was also bruised pretty badly, the skin from my wrist up to my elbow...was gone, all I could see was the white flesh before it began to bleed.

I cursed under my breath as I looked at the bruise. Of all places to get hurt. Then I looked up from my arm when the sunlight was blocked from above me.

Helga stood there, looking down at me as I held my arm. I watched as she took a handkerchief from her front pocket and stooped down to my level.

She took a hold of my hand and began to dab at the blood.

"Helga I-" I began.

"Come with me." She cut me off mid sentence then stood and began walking down the dirt path. I quickly got to my feet, dusted the back of my pants and followed behind her. We walked in complete silence down the trail, then we came to a stop at one of the tool sheds. "Sit." She commanded, pointing to the bench by the door, then she disappeared into the shed.

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