Chapter 44

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Elizabeth's POV

After my very lengthy breakdown, I finally composed myself and invited Abel inside. I watched as she glanced inquisitively around the house and I unconsciously scolded myself for not tidying up earlier.

"Nice place you've got here." I jumped slightly at her voice, still not used to it. It's been five whole years since I've heard her speak and it made me appreciate how soft and calming her voice was, despite it being a bit deep and scratchy.

"Ah yes, uhm it was originally uncle Elio's, he gifted it to me after..." I paused. I jerked slightly when Abel rested one of her hands on my shoulder.

"Yes, I know." She said softly, gazing down at me. I swallowed when I felt heat creep up my neck and onto my cheeks. I looked away from her and used my hands to cover my cheeks.

"Yes, right. I knew t-"

"Mommy!" I stopped mid sentence and looked behind me to see Valerie blazing down the steps.

"Val! How many times must I tell you not to run down the stairs? You'll hurt yourself!" I scolded. She slowed down immediately, and walked briskly down the last four steps.

"I'm sorry. I'm ready for my ba- Giant!" Valerie rushed past me and ran over to Abel, wrapping her small arms around Abel's leg.

"That's me." Abel chuckled and ruffled Valerie's hair. Then she stooped down to her level and pulled something from inside her jacket. A paper bag.

"Cookies!" Valerie yelled and grabbed the bag from Abel.

"Val, we don't grab things, remember." I grumbled.

"I'm sorry mommy. Thank you Giant." Valerie beamed up at Abel before walking back over to me.

"Go back up to your room. I'm going to speak with Ab- uh Mr. Giant for a few minutes then you'll have your bath okay." I said and swept the hair from her face. Valerie nodded absentmindedly, shoving the biscuits into her mouth. "Don't eat that all at once either, you'll get sick. Leave some for tomorrow." I chuckled out. Valerie nodded then glanced back over at Abel.

"Bye Giant." She smiled widely and waved at Abel before she turned and sprinted back upstairs. I shook my head. I just told her not to run on the stairs.

"She's very energetic." Abel chuckled behind me. I glanced back at her and nodded.

"She is. Sometimes I think she has too much energy, then I remember that she's just five so it can't be helped." I smiled over at her. Abel chuckled lightly and then silence fell over us.

Neither of us spoke, we just took the time to look at each other. I ran my eyes slowly over her face, taking my time to admire her. Her hair was short, much shorter than it was before which was no doubt why Valerie thought she was a man. She looked like one. She had the height, the lean yet muscular build, even her face. I hadn't realized how sharp and angular her bone structure was. I swallowed the lump that had formed in my throat when she began to walk over to me. She took slow strides then came to a stop in front of me.

She raised her hand and my eyes instinctively closed.

"You cut your hair." She said softly. I could feel her fingers at the side of my head, gliding through my hair. I shuddered slightly and goosebumps pricked at my skin when her fingers brushed against the shell of my ear.

"Yes, I had to, I didn't want to raise any suspicion. I like it so I kept it short." I breathed out and opened my eyes, only to see her staring directly at my face.

"I see. I like it, it suits you very well." She smiled and dropped her hand, the warmth leaving with it. "You should go tend to Valerie, I'll wait over here." She pointed to the couch.

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