Chapter 46

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Abel's POV

"Have a good day." I nodded and thanked the store clerk then I placed my hat back on my head and quickly exited the store.

I wrapped my coat tightly around my body when I stepped onto the chilly streets of Benevento. Winter was quickly approaching with only two months left before December and the air was already cold. I glanced down at the small paper bag in my hands and smiled at the treats inside, then I shoved it into my pocket and started my way down the road. I'll have to stop by the room I was renting and pick up some clothes, just in case Elizabeth wanted me to spend the night.

I made my way down the street where my room was located. I recently found out that the street was called Havendale, a very unfitting name for such a worn down and grimy place. The houses were aged and incredibly small and tightly packed together. It almost reminded me of the slums of Arkadia, only a bit more modernized.

I sighed when I finally stepped foot in the lobby of the apartment building. My eyes scanned the lobby area and I cursed under my breath when I saw a familiar woman standing by the front desk, seemingly in deep conversation with the receptionist. I looked away and continued walking by, hoping to quietly pass them without interruption.

"Morning Abel." I jerked to a stop and groaned quietly to myself. Then I turned toward the same person I was trying to avoid. I shoved my hands into my jacket and forced a smile as I looked at her.

"Helena, how are you?." I said, trying my best to hide my annoyance. Helena was one of the few neighbors I had, she was in the apartment room next to mine. She and I didn't really talk much, she was a very rowdy woman who liked attention, a complete contrast to me who was much more reserved...for obvious reasons.

"I'm doing good? I actually went by your room earlier but realized you weren't home yet." She said and began walking over to me.

"Oh, was there something you needed?" I asked as I rocked back and forth on my heels.

"You've yet to accept my offer." She smiled up at me. I swallowed and scratched the back of my head.

"Your offer? What was it again? I forgot." I feigned, though I knew exactly what she was talking about. A few days ago she approached me and confessed that she took a liking towards me. It was so sudden and caught me by surprise because I had all but one conversation with her prior to that. It was a simple 'Hi, I'm your new neighbor', that's all. She didn't even know me, I could be a serial killer for all she knew.

"I told you that I fancy you Abel. You're a very handsome man, people like you don't come around here often." She said, almost purring as she pressed herself against me. My body tensed when I felt her press her lips against my neck. I cleared my throat and gently pushed her away.

"Right. I'm sorry Helena but I'm..." I paused. What was I supposed to tell her? That I was currently seeing someone? I had sex with Elizabeth the day before but that really didn't mean anything and plus she even admitted to having feelings for Michael.

But she loves you!

I groaned and pinched the bridge of my nose.

"What? Am I not appealing enough? " Helana asked with a frown.

"NO! I mean yes I-'' I groaned loudly. "It's not that you're not appealing, you are a very beautiful young woman Helena, it's just.. I already have my eyes on someone." I explained with a sigh.

She stared at me for a few seconds before humming. Then she stepped closer to me once again.

"That's a shame, I could tell that you'd be a real stallion in bed." I jumped back away from her when I suddenly felt her hand on my crotch. I chuckled uncomfortably and made my way around her.

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