Chapter 43

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Elizabeth's POV

"Almost closing time Lucy, you think you'll be able to get these done in time?" I turned to Agatha who stood at the end of the bookshelf, staring down at the large checkbook in her hands.

"Yes, I think so. I've only got three more books to put away." I smiled over at her. She hummed and turned to leave but stopped in her tracks, then she glanced over her shoulder.

"By the way, Macy informed me that Michael stopped by yesterday...and the day before, and the day before that. Whatever it is that's going on between you both, please handle it outside of work, the staff here doesn't need to be constantly harassed." She finished, raising a brow.

"I'm terribly sorry about that. I'll be sure to speak to him about it." I forced a smile. Agatha hummed once more before she turned and made her way back to the front desk. I groaned and shook my head.

Macy did tell me two days ago that Michael came looking for me while I was on my lunch break but I had thought it was a one day thing. I know I had been ignoring him for the past week but still, why did he feel the need to come looking for me while I was working. And I was the one to get scolded for it.

I sighed heavily and went down to the other bookshelf, then I carefully placed the book back into its rightful spot. I made my way over to the front desk and took up the small envelope with my pay and shoved it into my small purse.

Summer was slowly coming to an end and I've been saving up to purchase some blankets and a winter jacket for Valerie. I heard that winter was brutal here in Benevento, and Valerie was just a baby, the cheap thin fabric blankets that we have now wouldn't do. I'd be fine, I'm about used to the cold after those few months out in the forest with Abel but it was Valerie that I worried about, especially since she was sickly, I had to keep her warm.

"See you next week." Macy yelled, shaking me from my thoughts. I smiled and waved over at her as I made my way through the front door. It was a wonder how she always kept such a cheery personality, even while at work. At the end of the work day I was always tired and drained but Macy, she was something else. I was happy to be working with her however, she kept the work environment lively and made working for Agatha a bit more bearable.

As I stepped onto the streets of Benevento, a gust of wind blew past, reminding me how closely winter was approaching.


My head snapped behind me at the familiar voice. I rolled my eyes and looked forward when I saw Michael jogging up towards me.

"Hey." He said, almost out of breath when he caught up to me.

"Hello." I said flatly.

"How are you?" He asked, his tone one of enthusiasm.

"Good." I said blankly. You would've thought he would get the hint that I don't wish to speak with him but nope, Michael was as dense and spoiled bread.

"I uh, I was waiting on you. I left to take a piss and when I got back you already left." He sighed out, he sounded almost as if he was upset with himself.

"I told you before that you don't need to walk me home, I'm not a child." I rolled my eyes.

"Yes I know that, but I enjoy walking with you and it's safer this wa-"

"Stop coming to the library and interrogating Macy about my whereabouts. You do know it's really none of your business?" I snapped at him. He stopped in his tracks and stared down at me, his brows furrowed in confusion.

"What do you mean it's none of my business? I just want to know that you're alri-" I scoffed and began walking again. Michael grumbled and followed after me.

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