Chapter 6

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Abel's POV

I was getting real tired of just standing around, and my stomach rumbled constantly every five seconds. I haven't eaten anything all day, I was a bit famished. I groaned as I felt the sudden urge to pee.

Just great. Now I need to use the restroom. I glanced around the hall, everyone was busy chatting, no one had wandered around this area of the hall since I've been here so it wouldn't hurt taking five minutes to use the restroom, would it?

I glanced around once more before I turned and made my way down the hall. The servants restrooms were all the way outside by the stable, I would definitely pee myself before I could get there so I just decided to used the guests restroom that wasn't too far away from my post, hoping I wouldn't get caught in there.

I slowly opened the door, looking to see if there was anyone inside. I haven't heard any type of movement so far. I sighed, grateful that it meant I was the only one in here. I flung open one of the bathroom stalls in a hurry and rushed to the toilet. I sighed in relief as I released myself. After about a few seconds after  I  heard the restroom door open.

Shit! I cursed to myself. I forcefully stopped my pee, hoping that whoever came inside didn't hear. I couldn't allow myself to be caught using the guest restroom. I was breaking one of the rules, if I was caught I'd definitely get into trouble. I froze in place, trying not to make any type of sound and listened as whoever came in, walked pass my stall to the one next to me and used the toilet. I never in my life thought I'd be hiding in a restroom stall listening to someone pee.

After a while I heard the toilet flush along with the closing of the stall door, then I heard the tap running. Good that means they were washing their hands. I heard the water stopped and a few clicking of heels on the floor before it became silent once more. I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding and quickly finished my business then flushed the toilet.

I opened the stall door and stopped dead in my steps, my eyes widening when I stared at the person standing in front of the sink. Our eyes locked in the mirror and I felt my throat go dry. The princess stood there staring at me, not once breaking eye contact.

Just great. Out of everyone to run into. I was definitely screwed now.

"Aren't you going to wash your hands?" She asked breaking the silence. She broke her gaze and looked away. I swallowed and cleared my throat.

"Uhm oh yes, I-I'm sorry I know I'm not supposed t-"

"Well hurry then." She said cutting me off. She moved aside and leaned against the wall facing me and allowing me to see her better. She looked really tired. I nodded and walked up to the basin and rinsed my hands clean, all while taking small glances at her in the mirror. When I was finished I turned the tap off and glanced at her.

"Well uhm I should probably go back to my post, I uhm, I only used this bathroom because-"

"I know you," she interrupted me once again, tilting her head and staring at me thoughtfully. "You're the woman that stood up to that guy who was harassing me. Yes yes, the one I gave a pass to. I knew you looked familiar." She smiled.

My eyes widened. That girl was HER. I laughed nervously and rubbed the back of my neck. "Uh yeah, that's me. I uh, I had no idea that girl was you actually." I said avoiding eye contact. Every time our eyes met I felt something, the feeling was so unfamiliar and was a bit annoying.

"Of course you didn't, I was in disguise." She chuckled. "I cant just walk around town looking like the princess." She said looking me up and down. "And I'm not going to tell anyone that you used the guest restroom, if that's what you're worried about. You keep my secret and I'll keep yours." She said smiling at me.

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