Chapter 33

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Abel's POV

It's been five days since we've left the village, surprisingly unnoticed by anyone so far. We had an ample amount of food that would serve us for a while. This little getaway was looking good for us so far, but you know what they say, 'there's always a calm before the storm'.

Right now it was a little after noon... I think. Elizabeth and I are riding through a dirt path I discovered yesterday. We chose not to use the main roads for..obvious reasons.

The carriage jerked a bit as the wooden wheels rolled over the large stones beneath us. The stirring must have woken Elizabeth because a few seconds later she popped her head up from where she was resting.

"Well look who's awake." I smiled over at her. She yawned and rubbed at her eyes before looking out onto the stretch of the empty path in front of us.

"Morning or evening I don't know. Aren't you tired? You've been up for days now Abel." She frowned at me. I chuckled and leaned down and pecked her lips, catching her off guard. A pink tint spread over her cheeks.

"Just a little bit, but I'll be fine." I replied with a smile. She sighed and leaned her head against my shoulder. It was silent for the remainder of the ride.

We had stopped for a couple minutes, as we did yesterday and the day before. Just so Sadey(the horse) could get some rest and eat some hay, and so Liz and I could stretch our legs. The path we were on seemed lifeless, and although it was closed off by wooden fences we hadn't seen any signs of homes or buildings or anything for that matter, which I was grateful for.

"Abel look!" I was brought out of my thoughts by Elizabeth's excited shouts. I glanced over to her and saw her pointing over at something, so I looked in the direction she was pointing and saw an apple tree, just a few feet away.

"You want some?" I smiled down at her. She nodded. I hopped over the small fence and trudged my way through the tall grass and over to the tree. It wasn't a huge tree but I'd still have to climb it to get to the fruit, so I wrapped my arms and legs around the bark and carefully made my way up the tree.

"Be careful!" I heard Elizabeth yell from the carriage.

Once I got to the first branch, I carefully situated myself onto it and began picking the fruit, using my shirt as a makeshift basket. When I couldn't hold anymore I jumped from the tree, landing a bit shakily on my legs then I made my way back over to the carriage and dumped the fruits into the back.

"You picked a lot." Elizabeth smiled widely and bit into one of the apples. A small moan left her mouth and I watched as a bit of juice drizzled down to her chin. I swallowed as I watched her eat, she was definitely enjoying it.

"Come on, let's go. the sun will set soon so we need to get back on the road." I said to Elizabeth. She nodded and we both made our way back to our spots and in no time we were off once again.


It's been a couple hours since we've been back on the road and I could feel my exhaustion finally kicking in. A loud yawn left my mouth and I groaned quietly to myself as I tried to fight off the sleep.

"Why don't you get some rest for a few. I'll take over." I heard Elizabeth say from next to me. I glanced over at her and immediately shook my head.

"No, I'm fine Liz. And I don't want you to accide-"

"Abel we're literally the only people on this path, and it's been that way for days now. You worry too much. You're tired. Now give me the reins and get back there and get some sleep." She said stirnly while aking the reins from my hands. I sighed heavily and stepped over into the back of the carriage.

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