Chapter 8

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October 11th.

Abel's POV

A few weeks have gone by and I've gotten pretty used to the daily activities of the castle. I would get up at the crack of dawn, which I had no problem with. I'd then eat breakfast, that mostly consisted of porridge or soup, once again I had absolutely no problem with that. I would spend most of the day out in the fields harvesting, cleaning the stables, bathing the horses, just about anything I could do. Then in the evening I'd meet Marcus in the gym and continue my training.

According to Marcus, I've been making really great progress in the short period that we've been training. It wasn't hard to catch on to most things and I'd say that I was a fast learner so I got almost everything down to a T pretty quickly. I had surpassed combat training in just two weeks and now he was teaching me how to properly wield knives and swords, a gun would occasionally come into play.

I felt quite satisfied with where I was at currently and had no doubt in my mind that I'd be capable enough to serve as the princess's guard, following Marcus's departure. He had only three more weeks left here.

I was currently in the gym lifting some makeshift weights while Marcus hovered over me, ensuring that I didn't overdo it and strain myself. We had been doing this for about twenty minutes now and my hands were starting to give way.

"Could we take a short break?" I gritted out, my hands shook as I struggled to do one more rep. I glanced up at him.

"Hands getting tired." He chuckled before nodding. "We'll just end here today, you've already done really well today, go get some rest." Marcus stated lifting the weights out of my hands. I sighed in relief and sat up, stretching the muscles in my back. I groaned when I heard the satisfying crack.

I must say, I've built quite some muscle these past few weeks. I no longer looked like the scrawny starved sewer rat that people used to call me. Marcus definitely knew what he was doing. I was grateful for that, and I feel like now I was better able to defend myself. "I'm going back to keep an eye on the princess, make sure to drink some water and eat dinner for heavens sake!" He said shaking his head, a look of disapproval on his face. "And get plenty of rest, remember no training tomorrow." He finished and patted my shoulder. I nodded and watched as he gathered his things and left, going back to make sure the princess was okay.

I smiled at the thought. I haven't seen the princess since that one time I escorted her to her room a couple weeks ago. It was pretty strange, being as though I worked all over this castle and still hadn't seen her once. Did they really keep her locked away in her room all day? Was she only allowed to come out when they needed her? I frowned at the thought, that's quite sad if it were the case.

I got some water and ensured to pick up my dinner remembering Marcus's warnings. I had forgotten to eat dinner a few times last week only because I was just too tired so sit and eat and sleep always seemed to get the best of me.

It was a little past seven I was guessing, the sun had already set and the cool night air filled the corridor. I stared outside as I walked passed an open window before stopping. I got closer to the window, stuck my head out and breathed in. I sighed as the fresh air filtered into my lungs, the sweet scent of what I was guessing was some type of flower lingering in my nostrils. I looked up. The stars were scattered across the sky and seemed to twinkle when I looked at them, the half moon shone brightly, as if trying to light up the entire sky.

"Well don't you look dandy." I looked away as my thoughts where interrupted. I smiled when I saw Helga standing to my right. She had a large straw basket in her hands with what appeared to be laundry.

"Quite the charmer aren't you?" I asked leaning on my elbows against the window. She smiled and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear.

"Nothing of the sort." She said quietly. I chuckled.
"What are you doing sticking your head out the window?" Helga asked after a few seconds.

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