Chapter 16

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(Continuing from chapter 15)

Elizabeth's POV

I followed the maid through the hallways and came to a stop at the meeting room.

"Here we are your highness." She bowed. I thanked her before pushing the doors open. Inside was my parents who were sat around the table along with Sir Andreas and two other older persons. What was he doing here and were those his parents?

"Ahhh Elizabeth,  you're finally here. Come have a seat, look who has come to visit." My mother said enthusiastically, her cheeks pulled into a tight smile as she stood from her chair. I almost gaged at the sight. Smiling was not meant for her, it's sad to say but she looks much better with a scowl. Why was she so excited anyway?

I nodded and all eyes were on me as I made my way over to the table. Everyone else stood as I came closer to them.

"Princess, it's so nice to see you again. The last time I visited I heard that you had fell ill, I'm quite happy that you are alright now." Sir Andreas said, taking my hands into his. I still wasn't sure how to act around him, I wasn't sure what to even feel about him. At the ball he seemed like a very laid back person like myself and I thought we had some similarities after our conversation but when I saw him again that day with my parents it was as if everything changed. He was much different, and I slowly started seeing him like every other nobleman that wanted my hand in marriage, only greedy for wealth and power.

I forced a smile and nodded. "My sincere apologies, and yes I'm doing much better now." I smiled tightly.

"That is good to hear, I'd like to introduce you to my parents. Mother, Father this is Elizabeth as ypu both already know. Princess, meet my parents, the Duke and Duchess of the Northern Empire." He said pointing to the two older individuals next to him. So I was right, they are his parents.

"It is such a pleasure to finally meet you, your highness." His father said, taking my hand and kissing the back of it. His lips were very moist and left a spot of wetness on my skin. I felt myself internally gag at the feeling but I made sure to smile.

"Likewise your highness, it's an honor to meet you." His mother curtseyed. She held my gaze as she did so, boring her dark eyes into mine. There was something so unsettling about her gaze, it made me incredibly uncomfortable.

I curtseyed at them both, bowing lightly to show my respect since they were my elders. "It is my delight to finally meet you both." I said before standing straight.

"The Duke and Duchess has traveled a long way to visit us upon my request, I think it is important that both our families spend some time together and get used to each other as both of our children will be wedded in less than a month." Father said motioning for them to sit. I sighed softly. Great, now I had to sit in here for god knows how long and pretend that I liked these people.

I went over to sit by my parents but my mother quickly shook her head. "Oh no Elizabeth, why don't you go and sit over by Sir Andreas, you both need to get familiar with each other." She said shooing me. I discreetly gave her an annoyed look before going over and sitting next to Andreas.

He smiled down at me. "Princess I heard what happened to your friend, my dearest condolences to you. It must be hard losing someone so close." He frowned slightly. I swallowed when I felt the sudden tug on my chest. Why would he bring that up now and who the hell told him about Marcus.

I forced a smile. "Its okay, it's very unfortunate but there's nothing I can do about that anymore, I've grieved and I'm okay now." I gritted out. He stared at me.

"Oh my, my condolences princess." The Duchess said gently touching my hand. I smiled tightly at her.

Soon after my parents fell into conversation with the Duke and Duchess, leaving Andreas and I to talk between ourselves. We were both quiet for some time but he had been staring me down ever since the  conversation about Marcus. I was starting to get uncomfortable  under his gaze, I began fiddling with the napkin on the table.

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