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Hey y'all!

Ok so, the next chapter is going to have a huge time skip from the last one. As we all know, {Y/N} in this story isn't really all that close with Bakugou, so I've decided to skip the Training Camp Arc, as well as the whole saving Bakugou part. It will have still happened in the story, but I saw no need for me to add it in when they are not close in the slightest. 

However, the next chapter is taking place after Izuku runs into Eri. Since {Y/N} interned at Nighteye's Agency, I thought I would just skip to the Chisaki Arc (: However, after this Arc I will be completely making the story up as, unfortunately, I have not read much of the manga :( I will get around to reading it, so maybe my next book will be more manga related, but then again I believe that most of the people reading this watch the anime rather than read the manga.

And now to the next topic! I want y'all to vote on what book I should do next, out of the four I'll describe below! I will be doing all of these books, but I'd like to know which one's you'd like out first (: (Dw though, this one isn't ending yet!)

Bakugou x reader - Anger management 
Ok, so for this one I've decided that it will take place in their 2nd year. However, {Y/N} does not attend UA, and she is not becoming a hero. 
{Y/N} is the niece of Aizawa in this book, and lives with him after her parents death (you'll find out more about that in the book).
Anyway, back to the explanation. After {Y/N} assaults multiple people at her school she is sent to group anger management, as her school doesn't want to get media attention due to a student ending up in prison or 'juvie'. She meets Bakugou at these anger management sessions and they despise each other at first, but this soon turns into growing feelings as they continue to bump into each other.

Bakugou x Non-Binary reader - Vengeance 
{Y/N} is the best friend of Izuku Midoriya. They spent every day with the boy, up until the day of his suicide (Yep, I'm killing him in this). {Y/N} blames Bakugou for Izuku's death, and swears they will break Bakugou's dreams and spirit, while living Izuku's dream for him. In order to achieve this, they don't go back to their middle school and spend every day training their quirk.
Eventually, they get into UA and end up in the same class as the angry boy. The boy can't seem to leave them alone, and {Y/N} can't tell whether this is due to guilt, or if he just wants to torture them as he did to their best friend.
How will they feel when their feelings of hatred disappear, and are replaced with those of love?

Jiro x Non-Binary reader - Fated love
This one is going to be a soulmate AU (: Where the first words a soulmate will say to you appear on your wrist.
{Y/N} is an Korean Idol who wants a break from their life of fame for a while. They go on a trip to Japan and end up getting chased by their fans, only to bump into Jiro, someone who also happens to be a huge fan of theirs. Jiro hides {Y/N} from their fans, and this marks the beginning of a friendship, which just so happens to lead to more.
(Warning for this book, will contain homophobia from {Y/N}s mother)

Kaminari x reader - Saving her
I apologise in advance for this book, I'm making {Y/N} be in an abusive relationship with Shishikura Seiji (The guy from Shiketsu Highschool, with the Meatball quirk).
Kaminari has been friends with {Y/N} since the beginning of their middle school years, but didn't start liking her until halfway through their first year at UA.
{Y/N} met Shishikura online in her third year of middle school (he was in his first year of Shiketsu then), and they immediately became close and began dating.
This story will take place in Kaminari's and {Y/N}'s second year at UA. The whole of class 1A begin to notice something was off with the girl. She didn't eat with them. She avoided them all no matter the cost. All she wore in the dorms was long sleeved turtlenecks and sweatpants, and in class she constantly checked to make sure her sleeves were covering her arms and no part of her skin (except her face) was showing. 
After spying on the girl, Mina and Hagakure finally discover what's wrong and run to tell her best friend, Kaminari Denki, and the rest of the 'BakuSquad'. 
This causes Kaminari to man up and fight for the girl he loves, and he vows to do two things. First, he was going to save her. And finally, he was going to make her his and make her happy.

Anyway! Please tell me which one you want out first, I'll be checking and tallying the votes after this story is complete! 
And, to be honest, that was 4 books out of the 14 I have planned. 

- 3 Bakugou x readers
- 1 Kirishima x reader
- 2 Kaminari x readers
- 1 Jiro x reader
- 1 Momo x reader
- 1 Mina x reader
- 1 TetsuTetsu x reader
- 1 Midoriya x reader
- 1 Monoma x reader
- 2 Shinso x readers

If you actually read this, thank you (: And if you voted, thank you again! If you skipped this chapter, well that's fine at least you're reading the story!

Now for the daily check up! How are you all today? Did you eat? Did you drink any water? Did anything good happen today? (:
Today I cried over the fact I have boobs, I was born a female, but I identify as Non-Binary (they/them) as many of you will know, and I hate that I have boobs so much.
Yes, I'm aware that many non-binary people have boobs and are fine with it, but I just don't like them on me (: And by that, I mean I don't like them attached to my body.
I was gonna say I love them on other people, but realised I'd sound like Mineta :(

Love you all

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