Music Festival!

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Todoroki's POV

After 2 weeks of preparing, it's finally the day of the UA festival, and the day of our special performance. We had all practiced non-stop, the only breaks taken were for class, eating, drinking, and sleeping.

Our performance begins at 10am and Midoriya still isn't here, causing everyone to worry. If he isn't here soon, we'll have to change the choreography last minute, and that will just cause a huge unnecessary fuss. 
Plus... what if he got hurt on the way back from the shop? We shouldn't have sent him alone, especially with how accident prone he is.

A few more minutes pass and it's now 10 minutes until we begin, people already beginning to pile into the gymnasium, and still no sign of Midoriya.
We were about to go and inform Aizawa, but are interrupted by a slam. We turn to see Midoriya rushing towards us, panting as he does so. Mina immediately pounces on the boy and rushes him into the changing room, tossing us the rope he had bought. 

We could finally begin. 

5 minutes later and my class were (apart from Koda, Kirishima, Sero and I) stood behind the curtain on stage, taking their positions. 

Bakugou gets in position and screams, raising his hands in the air, "Lets do this shit! We're gonna murder all of UA with music!" before setting off a loud explosion.

The music starts, the dancers begin to dance, and Jiro smiles widely at the audience before shouting into the microphone, "Thanks for coming out todaaaaay!"

"What am I to be?
What is my calling?
I gave up giving up, I'm ready to go"

Yeah... Mirio told us that she didn't give up, not even right at the end... She used her quirk to protect others even though she was in pain...

"The future's left unseen, it all depends on me
Put it on the line to follow my dream, yeah!"

Nighteye's quirk... he could see the future of anyone he touches. He didn't use it on {Y/N}, so she depended on herself and her own instincts... putting her life on the line for that child and her dream of becoming a great hero...

"Tried all my life
I've tried to find
Something that makes me hold on and never let go

Those are the lyrics she wrote... Jiro said that {Y/N} finally felt she'd found something like that, something she never wanted to let go of and she would cherish forever... She said it was me and the rest of class 1A.

"Hero too, I am a hero too
My heart is set and I won't back down
Hero too, strength doesn't make a hero
True heroes stand up for what they believe"

She didn't back down, even though she lost most of her strength... She stood up for what she believed was right and didn't back down. She's already a hero in everyone's eyes, including that little girls. 
Aoyama gets thrown into the air after the last lyric, using his quirk to resemble a disco ball, causing the audience to gasp in excitement.

"So wait and see
So wait and see"

Trust me... we all see. How could we not after what everyone told us?

"What do they think of me?
Who do they think I'll be?
I could not care less, I don't wanna know"

This is what the class wrote after the phone call from her brother. She shouldn't need to care what her parents think of her, she is who she wants to be and we're all proud of her...

"Am I doing right?
Am I satisfied?
I wanna live my life like it's meant to be

This is something she used to always speak to me about. She always felt she wasn't enough, she was worried that she was doing everything wrong, but she still wished to live her life the way she wanted, they way it SHOULD be.

"Tried all my life
I've tried to find
Something that makes me hold on and never let go

Sero shoots his tape in all directions, I follow with my ice, and Koda sends his animals out into the crowd. Momo sets off confetti from her arms, skilfully playing the keyboard one handed. I pass Kirishima a block of ice, and he runs above the crowd, creating the effect of snow while Midoriya swings Aoyama, AKA the disco ball, around.

"Hero too, I am a hero too
My heart is set and I won't back down
Hero too, strength doesn't make a hero
True heroes stand up for what they believe
So wait and see"

The crowd is dancing along at this point, all with happy smiles on their faces. 

"People will judge for no reason at all
Yeah, they might try
To say your dream's dumb, don't listen
They may look down on me and count me out
I'm going my own way
They may look down on me and count me out
I'm a hero, I've got music"

{Y/N} never let anyone judge her classmates, she would always fight back or resolve the situation. However, we never realised she was going through a rough time and we practically counted her out, believed she was fine as she was helping everyone through their own problems.
Tears begin forming in Jiro's eyes, but she quickly hides them behind a smile.

"Hero too, I am a hero too
My heart is set and I won't back down
Hero too, strength doesn't make a hero
True heroes stand up for what they believe
Yeah, I'll be!"

We will all be. No one will stop us from achieving our dreams.

"Hero too, I am a hero too
My heart is set and I won't back down
Hero too, strength doesn't make a hero
True heroes stand up for what they believe
So wait and see"

"I have met so many heroes in my life
Gave me the strength and courage to survive
Gave me the power to smile everyday
Now it's my turn to be the one to make you smile"

She gave everyone the power to smile everyday, we never stopped smiling when she was around. Now it's our turn to make her smile, and repay the favour.

Just as Jiro sang the last line, the door flew open...

/AN - Teehee, cliffhanger... and 2 more chapters left guys... and there's gonna be a surprise. I'm being nice and mean at the same time to y'all right now :D
Also, the very final chapter I'll be writing wasn't my idea, it was the idea of the amazing nickisson_ !!
I really need to thank her for giving me the idea as it really meant a lot to me, and due to her idea y'all are gonna get a sweet chapter soon, when I write it (AKA tomorrow).

Yup, the story is ending tomorrow guys!! So I really hope you enjoyed and, if you haven't, go and vote on the story you want me to write next! (on the "Vote please (:" chapter)

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