Meeting 1A

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I walked through the gates of UA, hearing screams as I do. Students had their phones out and were taking pictures of me, some ran to me and asked for my autograph. Anyone watching this unfold would probably think I enjoy this, but I hate it. I hate the fame. I hate the photoshoots. I hate never seeing my parents. And I hate this Quirk Marriage.
I bow to the people crowding me and quickly excuse myself, rushing towards my classroom. As I walk through the halls, I quickly notice two familiar faces. Yaoyorozu Momo and Iida Tenya. I know them through my parents, wealthy families stick together in this society. I rush over and tap Momo's shoulder, "Mo!! I didn't know you were coming here!" I exclaim. She smiles at me,     "{Y/N}! I'm so glad you and Iida are here! What class are you in?"
I grin, "Class 1A! I'm top of the year!", she freezes before squealing, "I'm so proud of you! Me and Iida are also in your class too! Let's have a good few years!"

After reaching the classroom, we wait for our other classmates to show up. The first person to enter the room, after us, was an angry ash blonde. The first thing he did was say, "Which one of you fuckers stole my top spot?", to which I smiled and waved, winking at him. He tried to argue with me, but my friends had my back.
Next to enter was a red head, obviously dyed, but I won't embarrass him like that, he was followed in by a girl with pink skin. They both instantly recognised me, the girl shouting, "Hey! Aren't you {L/N, Y/N}?! You're engaged to Todoroki Shoto!" I nodded at her, she seemed nice.

Next were the slightly quiet students, a cute boy who barely uttered a word, a boy who looked like a bird, a boy with extra arms and a guy with a huge tail. They didn't say much, just went and took their seats. 

After these guys, a boy with yellow hair and a black bolt on the side entered the room, followed by a boy with black hair and weird looking elbows. The yellow headed Pikachu stared at me and gasped, "My future girlfriend!", to which Iida and Momo stood in front of me, "She's engaged!" they shout in unison. Aha, that's my overprotective friends for you.

The next people to walk in the classroom were three girls, one with green hair, one with purple and a floating uniform. The floating uniform and the purple head hesitantly walked to me, asking for my autograph and a picture, then introducing themselves and chatting with me for a while.

Then a guy who smelled of sweets walked in! He smiled and introduced himself as Sato, before walking to an empty desk and sitting down.
A few minutes later a sparkly guy walked in, he stands out among the rest of the students. His first line was, "I can not stop twinkling!", to which I giggled and he shot me a wide smile. He was soon followed by a brunette girl and a green haired boy. As soon as the angry boy saw the greenette he screamed, "DEKU!" and started fighting. Remind me to stay away from him.

Then a purple haired grape walked in, he reminded me of a small child, but I soon learned he wasn't. I stood up from my seat to introduce myself to the group of girls. While I was speaking to them the room went cold, I recognised this quirk. I turn around to see the purple haired boy frozen behind me and an angry looking Shoto. 
Shoto walked up to me and pushed me behind him, then directed his attention to the grape. The whole class had stopped what they were doing at this point, interested in the scene unfolding. "So you think you can look up my fiancée's skirt then...?" he snarled at the small boy. I tensed up, he was looking up my skirt?! Wait - why was he getting so mad? 
Then I realised - we're in public, we gotta act. I grab onto the back of his blazer and say, "Sho... Come on, calm down. It might have been an accident!" At this he turns around, and I realised. He wasn't acting angry, he WAS angry. "An accident...? ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS RIGHT NOW, {N/N}?" I flinch at the use of my old nickname. I haven't heard it for 10 years. He grabs my arm and drags me to the other end of the classroom, clearly seeing the fear in my eyes.

Shoto's POV

I don't know what came over me. Ever since the summer I've been acting weird. Heck, I even applied to UA because I knew she was coming here. When I walked into the classroom and saw that guy staring up her skirt... I lost it. I completely fucking lost it. It upset me, and I don't know why. 
I grabbed her hand and dragged her to the back of the room, wrapping my arms around her and pulling her into a hug. She tensed up as I did this, she's still not used to my hugs. Why do I care about her so much? She doesn't wanna marry me. She hates my guts. She'll leave as soon as she gets the chance to. I shouldn't have shut her out after I got my quirk, I never wanted us to turn out like this.
I release her from the hug to see her calmed down, and smile at her. She gives me a confused look before smiling back. I walk her to the other side of the room and take the desk next to hers. I'd like to see people even try to look at her now.

{Y/N}'s POV

The class begins giving introductions after a yellow sleeping bag walks into the room, introducing himself as Mr. Aizawa. One by one everyone stands up.

"I'm Iida Tenya and my quirk is Engine."

"I'm Yaoyorozu Momo, my quirk is Creation!"

"I'm Uraraka Ochako! My quirk is Zero Gravity!"

"I'm Tokoyami Fumikage, my quirk's Dark Shadow."

"I'm Asui Tsuyu, my quirk is frog. *kero*"

"Je m'appelle Aoyama Yuga. My quirk is navel laser!"

"Kirishima Eijirou! My quirk's Hardening!"

"Kaminari Denki! The quirk's electrification."

"K-Koda Koji... M-my quirk's A-Anivoice..."

"Ojiro Mashirao! My quirk is basically my tail!"

"My name's Hagakure Toru! It's kinda obvious my quirk is Invisibility!"

"Mineta Minoru! My quirk is Pop off! Hellooo~ ladiesss!"

"Shoji Mezo, Dupli-arms."

"Jiro Kyoka, mine's Earphone Jack."

"I'm Sato Rikido, my quirk is Sugar Rush!"

"I'm Sero Hanta! The quirk's Tape!"

"I'm Ashido Mina, and my quirk is Acid! Nice to meet you all!"

"Uhm... hello. I'm Midoriya Izuku, but you can call me Deku. My quirk is uhm... Superpower."

"Bakugou Katsuki. Explosion. I'm gonna beat all you extras."

"Todoroki Shoto. My quirk is Half-hot, Half-cold. And {Y/N} is my fiancée. I would prefer it if the grape stayed away."

"Hi everyone! I'm {L/N, Y/N} and my quirk is Nature! As Sho said, please stay away from me grape boy. I'd rather you not end up injured! Anyway, I hope we all get along and have a great few years together!"

And that was how our 3 years at UA started.

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