First Day

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After all the introductions were over, the yellow sleeping bag spoke. He told us to go change into our training outfits and meet him on UA's field. We all rushed to the changing rooms and quickly got changed, before running out onto the field. I was the last person to leave the girl's changing rooms as I'm not really comfortable showing the scars on my body. You'll find out what they're from one day, so don't worry. 
When I finally leave the room, I spot Shoto standing there. I go to walk past him, but he grabs my arm and walks next to me instead. I was confused at his actions, but I just continued walking. It's not like he was doing any harm. 

We eventually made it to the field and stood with everyone else, all of them glanced at us and the girls squeal at the sight of Shoto holding my arm. The small grape guy groans at the sight, but quickly hides behind some other boys as Shoto glares at him. Mr Aizawa explains that we would be having a kind of 'assessment', and the person with the lowest score would be expelled. 
First up was the ball toss, we had to use our quirks to throw the ball. That Bakugou kid went first, screaming "死ね!" (Die) and throwing the ball as far as he could. His score was 705.2 metres. 
The rest of the class then went after him. That Midoriya, or Deku, threw the ball just a little bit further than Bakugou (705.3 metres) and Bakugou freaked out. He started yelling about how the kid is quirkless and shouldn't be able to beat him, this confused everyone as he obviously has a quirk. 
The brunette girl got infinity due to her quirk making objects weightless. Honestly, I found it really impressive. I cheered for her as she beat the other kids who had gone and she smiled at me, she looked embarrassed though. As if she wasn't used to the praise.
Next up was Shoto. His went over 800 metres! I smiled at him and gave him a thumbs up as he stared at me, looking for praise. Honestly, I only hoped I could do that well. 

Eventually it was my turn. The students gathered around me, interested to see what my quirk can do. Obviously, the media had announced it was strong multiple times, but no one has ever really seen my quirk in action. Well, apart from Shoto, and only because we discovered our quirks on the exact same day. I threw the ball and, as soon as it left my hand, I manipulated the air around it and kept it flying. Let's just say... we never got the ball back. I ended up tying with Uraraka though!

We then moved on to the 50 meter dash, everyone had to use their quirks to run 50 meters, then record their times. Everyone raced in three's. Iida finished first in 3.04 seconds, followed by Tsuyu who got 5.58 seconds, and then Uraraka who got 7.15 seconds.
The next group was made up of two boys; Ojiro and Aoyama, and one girl, Ashido. Ashido was first, with 5.15 seconds. Followed by Ojiro, with 5.49 seconds, and then Aoyama who came in at 5.51 seconds.
A few more groups went after them, and soon enough it was my turn. I was against Bakugou and Midoriya. I manipulated the air to lift me up and used my water to increase my speed. I finished first, 0.9 seconds before Bakugou did. Bakugou came in at 4.13 seconds, screaming at me and grabbing me by the front of my costume. Midoriya finished last at 7.02 seconds.
Shoto saw Bakugou screaming at me and rushed over, prying Bakugou's hands off of me before dragging me away from him. I don't understand these guys.

We went through 6 more tests, but there's not much of a point saying how we all did for each test. Only the end results mattered after all. I ended up top of the class again, much to Bakugou's dismay. He didn't even come in the top 3, poor guy. Anyway! The results were as followed!
1st - {L/N, Y/N}!
2nd - Yaoyorozu Momo!
3rd - Todoroki Shoto!
4th - Bakugou Katsuki!
5th - Iida Tenya!
6th - Tokoyami Fumikage!
7th - Shoji Mezo!
8th - Ojiro Mashirao!
9th - Kirishima Eijirou!
10th - Ashido Mina!
11th - Uraraka Ochaco!
12th - Koda Koji!
13th - Sato Rikido!
14th - Asui Tsuyu!
15th - Aoyama Yuga!
16th - Sero Hanta!
17th - Kaminari Denki!
18th - Jiro Kyoka!
19th - Hagakure Toru!
20th - Midoriya Izuku!
21st - Mineta Minoru!

Honestly, no one was surprised by Mineta coming in last place. In fact, it would have been shocking if he didn't. What really shocked everyone was Midoriya coming 20th, we honestly thought he would be higher up in the ranks.
After the tests ended and we got our rankings, Aizawa explained that he wasn't being serious about expelling the students. We all gasped and shouted at him, well apart from Momo who claimed she already knew he wasn't being serious, then apologising for not telling us sooner. 

I ended up spending the rest of the day with Jiro, Kaminari and Shoto. I grew close to the girl with purple hair and the flirty Pikachu rip-off. I discovered I actually had a lot in common with Jiro, we both loved the same type of music and both played instruments ourselves! We also had a really similar fashion sense, although my parents don't allow me to wear the clothes I like in public. Kaminari was just a really funny guy, and he was honestly really smart! I have no idea why he acts like the class clown when he's probably as smart as Tenya or Momo, but I won't question him about it. Shoto looked irritated the whole time he was sat with us, he didn't even bother trying to speak with us. 
I look at him, "Sho... You can go make friends, you know?", He just looked down at me in shock, "I'd rather not leave my fiancée with flirty Pikachu, I don't trust anyone else here."
Kami looked at Shoto in shock and gasped, holding his hand over his heart. "Ouch man. I don't steal other people's girlfriends. And Pikachu? Really?", he states, cocking an eyebrow. I giggle at Sho's statement, "Well... you are kinda like Pikachu!" Jiro roars with laughter, "I mean... they're not wrong man."

Soon enough, the day came to an end and we were all packing our bags. Sho stands next to my desk as I pack up and, as I'm about to pick my bag up, he snatches it and walks out of the room. "Hey! Sho, give me my bag!" I shout, running after the tall boy. He doesn't stop, or give me my bag back, but he does slow down slightly so I could walk next to him. As we walk through the halls of UA we catch people staring at us. I smile at everyone, giving them a wave, while Sho just completely disregards them. How rude. 

Suddenly, a boy with blonde hair and piercing blue eyes blocks our path. We stare at him, clearly confused, but I keep a smile on my face. The boy stares down at me and begins speaking, "So this is 1A's famous couple, huh?" he snarls. Me and Sho look at each other before turning to the boy, "Well... I mean... we are the only couple in 1A so..." I hesitantly state.
"Hah. Well you both look like a bunch of losers to me, the rest of the class is probably the same." This angered me. How dare he respect my classmates. I've only known them for a day, but they're some of the kindest people I've ever met! Well... except Bakugou and Mineta. Just as I'm about to snap at the boy in front of me, Shoto blocks the way. "You say we LOOK like losers, but that's purely observational. It's hilarious how a student who couldn't make it to 1A is trying to look down on people who are obviously more powerful."
The boy stares at him with a deep hatred and shouts, "You think you're so powerful, but you two only got in because you're rich. Don't forget that. You aren't talented."
Now it was my turn to step in, "Actually, we didn't get in because we're rich. We both took the exams to get into the class we did. No money was involved in us getting in, our quirks and knowledge were. Please keep your jealousy to yourself and work on improving your quirk, instead of attacking us for something that has nothing to do with us. Thank you." 

And with that I begin to drag Shoto out of the UA building and back towards the gates. My brother was stood at the gate waiting for us, ready to drive us home. Once he spots me he waves, and his eyes widen as he sees Shoto walking next to me. We both wave to my brother and stop next to him, Shoto bowing his head and greeting him. My brother ended up offering Shoto a ride home, but he politely refused, stating that he had a car waiting for him already. He pats my head and smiles slightly before bidding me and my brother goodbye and walking towards his driver. I glance at my brother, and the look of confusion still hasn't left his face.

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