Two days of... 'rest'

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The remainder of the sports festival went well, apart from Bakugou bitching about coming third with Iida, then trying to challenge me to a rematch. He ended up being tied to a post so he wouldn't try and run off, honestly that made me feel bad for him. 
Iida didn't turn up to the ceremony though, apparently due to a family emergency. I messaged him afterwards and he explained The Hero Killer, Stain, had attacked and hospitalised his older brother, Iida Tensei, Pro hero: Ingenium. 

The next two days were supposed to be for everyone to rest after the sports festival. It was supposed to be for everyone to have some fun. However, for Sho and I, it was filled of drama and, quite literally, was hell. And here's why. 

~The next morning~

I woke up bright and early, as usual (I'm so sorry to my fellow insomniacs and those who enjoy sleeping in), and walked down stairs for breakfast, leaving my phone on charge. Today I was supposed to be hanging out with Momo, Kyoka, and Denki, and I was so hyped for it. Iida was supposed to be tagging along with us, but, with Tensei in hospital, we convinced him to stay with his brother.

I walked down the stairs towards the kitchen, and this is when hell starts. My parents were home, and they were not happy. My brother stood next to them, a look of concern and pity evident on his face.
"{Y/N}," my father begins, I bow my head towards him as a sign of respect. "Lift up your head, ungrateful bitch." my mother spat towards me viciously. I look up in confusion and immediately meet the cold glare of my mother, and the emotionless one of my father.

"When did you get back from tour?" I asked in concern, to which my mother just snarls. "We wouldn't have had to if you weren't stirring up trouble."
I was confused, "Trouble?" I asked. My mothers eyes widen as she begins to shout, "ARE YOU PLAYING STUPID YOU LITTLE BITCH?", she hurls her phone at my head. This only angered her more when I caught it. I stare at the screen and the trending hashtags and headlines jump out at me.

"Trouble in paradise for Todoroki and {L/N}"
"Gossip daily - Todoroki caused a breakdown?"
"Was it fake?"
"Is {L/N} cheating?"
"Did Todoroki cheat?"
"Fight between our top couple?"
And so many more. /AN I'm not good with headlines :( Don't come at me!!

I keep scrolling through the posts and hashtags, then my eyes land on a photo. Sho and I stood in the hall after his battle with Midoriya, you can clearly see both me and him crying in the photo, but it must have been edited. In the photo, I'm holding Sho by his collar and it looks like I'm screaming at him. But that's not what happened at all! When did people even take this photo? And who?


We stayed like that for a few minutes, until we heard the click of a camera behind us. We froze, quickly turning around, but no one was there. It couldn't have been Hagakure, considering we could see her cheerleader outfit moving around in the class stand. We made eye contact and shrugged it off, it could have just been our imaginations, or someone walking by and stepping on something, like a wrapper.

~End of flashback~

"None of this is true mother!" I yell in frustration, but none of my attempts to convince her work. We argue for what seems like hours, but in reality was only ten minutes, until my father yells. "BOTH OF YOU SHUT UP.", me and my mother jump from the sound of his voice. One thing my father doesn't do is yell, he usually just sits back and lets us argue, he never interrupts. My mother sends me another glare before turning around and walking out of the house. 

My father sighs before looking at me, "When will you learn to stop being such a disappointment? I thought the aversion therapy from when you were younger worked."
My breath hitches at this comment, that's the one thing that I never wanted to remember. He frowns at me once more before speaking again. "You will spend the next two days clearing up this mess up, you have a press conference in 2 hours, Young lady. And you WILL spend the next 48 hours with Shoto."
I begin to retort, "But father today-" he puts his hand up to silence me, "I do not care what today is. You will do as I say. A car will be here to collect you in an hour. Be ready." And with that he walks out of the house after my mother. 

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