Author's final note

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Right now, I'm sitting amid these beautiful trees, glancing up at the glamourous sky--how it never loses it's colour--and thinking about all those starred and scarred people who'd given up, who were shattered like tapestry, and aren't among us anymore.
Every day, there are so many people dying from suicides. So many lost souls who've seen hope in giving up and taking their own lives, leaving everyone and everything behind.
And the worst part is, most of us don't even talk about it. We have put this word "suicide" in a box that must be opened when extremely 'necessary' . (And late).
But it's time to talk about the innermost subtle feelings. Let us be kind, truly nice, to everybody we meet, because we may not know the adrifts in someone else's life.

The people who take their own lives, it's not just a worry for them, but also for people they are leaving behind.
The people who loved you.
Listen, it's important to know that we are loved. We have friends, a family and this universe loving us.
And even if we don't have anyone who love us, there will always be God, guiding us everyday.
So let us not lose hope, despite of the waves of unconditional pain.

That's what I've wanted for Mark. Lucas had drilled a deep hole in his heart, and he was drowned in the thought that people and human consciousness may always hurt us.
I'm not saying that it may not hurt us. It will. It hurts me often too.
But believe me, there are still people on this planet who are so nice, who listen and understand. The wallflowers.
(Maybe it's because of them the world always survives at the verge of drowning).
Really, there's only one thing to wish for : a magical earthly cure that will allow to patch up everyone's shredded hearts.

Anyway, I've wanted someone to tell Mark that it's okay to suffer. It's okay to fall.
So I chose Skye--an anonymous redhead--for loving him despite of being wrecked by her dreams. To coax him into a paradise.
Despite of being messed up herself.
And maybe that's why I chose her. I wanted someone not perfect__someone who's going through alot herself__to finally realize the "escaping of the suffering" for a wrecked green-eyed boy.

So in a way, they both have learned alot, in loving eachother profoundly, and knowing that some loves last forever. (I'd always known this would be the last line of my novel).
Of course most of the loves won't last. I know that and believe that.
But in writing down, I realize that  there are some loves, that'll wipe your soul and terrifically make you believe in it.

Finally, I truly thank my best forever friend, Rohama, for always being with me through all these paper cuts I've survived. You're like that fairy godmother for me, the one from Cinderella. (Except that you are real, and better dressed). And I'll give all the stars in the sky to you.
And a special thanks to all the readers who have enough faith in me to keep reading my book .

Last words of François Rabelais were :
"I go to seek a Great Perhaps".
So that's what I hope for all of us. The Great Perhaps. The Great life. Full of love, happiness and land of reachable starry dreams.

-Author, 24th March, 2021

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