Twenty : gardens of Babylon

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Skye :

That same night, after he was gone, she opened that little page he'd given her. His writing was small (and cute), and it was a list :


1. Writing.
2. Making me smile.
3. Making me laugh.
4. Making me feel seventh heaven.
5. Making lame jokes.
6. Smoking ten cigarettes in a row.
7. Smoking and talking at the same time, yet looking so nice. (cool isn't a good is stupid...)
8. Wearing oversized sweaters.
9. Stealing my heart.
10. Talking like as if everything shines, just like your eyes.
11. Singing those old classics and remembering the lyrics well (when the new world is almost forgetting them)
12. Singing me to sleep. (Thank you. I love you)
13. Making me fall so hard for you.
14. Being good.
15. Being kind.
16. Being funny and someone who's meant to always stay in Gardens of Babylon (where your good beautiful heart remains safe)
17. Chasing the sun.
18. Staring at stars.
19. Kissing.
20. Letting those butterflies inside of me fly and fly and fly...
21. Wearing flowers, specifically tulips, in your radiant hair.
22. Making me feel understood.
23. So many other things that I can't really write about, but believe me, they are all in my heart. Sometimes it's hard to write these things. And I tried my best. Maybe, you're like my sun. Or a sun for this whole sky. You make this world bright. You make ME feel bright.

When she was done reading it, she had tears in her eyes. Her heart was overflilled with those words. She read that list again and again and again. No one had ever said those things about her. With tears in her eyes, she folded the page and placed it in her drawer. But it didn't feel like a good place to put such a good thing. Then she placed it under her pillow. No. It wasn't any good either. She wanted to place that list in a place like flower field. The kind of place nothing would ever happen to that list.
Finally, she slept with that page in her hand.
In the morning, the first thing she did was text him.
8:15 a.m : lose myself at the ocean

Skye : hey. I just wanted to ask this : Will we remain like this forever?

Mark : There is no way thinking we won't. I don't know about you, but I'll love you till my last breath.

Skye : That sounds like a death remark. Okay, tell me do you like New York?

Mark : Well, the weather is pretty nice here. Or maybe just the fact that it's New York. What about you?

Skye : Hate this city.

Mark : Why?

Skye : Just....I don't know. People seem to be fake. Like as if they were born just to die.

Mark : Aren't we all born just to die?

Skye : No! What? How can you even say that!! That's not true. We aren't born to die. We are born to live. That's what I'm seeking for. And the closest living I've ever gotten to is when I'm with you.

Mark : Tell me, if you could choose, where'd you live?

Skye : Everywhere. I mean, I'd have some Volkswagen and I'll drive all around the world.

Mark : In that case, take me with you. But what if you had to choose only one place?

Skye : I'd love to live by the ocean. I'd hear waves striking against the rocks every night. I'll have midnight swims while smoking my cherry cigarettes. I'll  lose myself at the ocean.

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