Thirty-seven : a star with human's name

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Mark :

When he was a kid, his father used to watch this film which he never really understood at that time.
Until now.
For the first time, he somehow realized that why that film made his father cry alot.
This film just revolved around this young little city girl, and a boy from countryside, and how they fell for eachother. They were just kids, and they used to spend alot of time in boy's farmhouse his parents had rented. The countryside was beautiful, the kind of place where you can see clear blue skies.
So those kids fell in love. When they were ten, she told him how much she loved him and kissed him. When they were twelve, he proposed her with a ring made from dentist gold.
But somehow, something terrible happened. They drifted apart (reasons anonymous, but maybe it was HAS to be WW2), but the thing that really struck Mark was that they kept on sending eachother postcards. Ten years passed, thirty years passed. They grew older, but never for eachother. They didn't even see eachother again, but they always wrote to eachother.
Fifty years passed by, just like that.
As a kid, Mark always thought it was so impossible and stupid to write someone everyday when they hadn't even met in years.
But now, he understood.
Maybe love isn't about having someone around all the time.
It's about having them inside of you, no matter how far they get.
Maybe love is about sharing what you have with someone who's always there to listen. Then, it doesn't matter whether that person is next to you or Oceans apart.
And you never forget your first love. Because it shows you how pure and good and innocent this feeling is---it shows how all the people who think love is brutal and extraterritorial, are wrong.

So as he was running (like a madman), he thought how much love that he had for her never fell short. Even after all those months.
He ran and ran towards the airport. According to her friend, Mia, her flight would be in half and hour. She'd also told him how Skye had "ran" from her own wedding, which seemed unbelievable.
But maybe it wasn't unbelievable in her case. Because she was magic, she was crazy, she was lunatic---and that's when you know how someone is really "someone".

Anyway, in the varying degrees of consciousness, he ran so he wouldn't get late this time, for the love of his life.
He could have taken his good old SUV, but the airport wasn't that far. And in times like this, he could have ran from anywhere just to get close to her.
Her book was still in his hand, and his mind was filled with thousands of ambiguities :,
Why was she leaving for Virginia? Why had she ran from her wedding? So, did she really love him? Was he just mistaken? And if he was mistaken, he surely had wasted few months of his life when he could have came back earlier.
It was such a stupid thing to do, but then again, at that time, it wasn't.
Now, he could not wait any longer. He wanted so bad to hide her in his arms and tell her he was truly sorry. Just like in those films.
He wanted to tell her how much her book meant to him. How much it had moved his heart. Not that he had been endowed with those kind of great revelations--like in those films----but day by day, her book got closer to him and it felt like a hope in the days of darkness.

When he finally arrived at the airport, his heart somehow started beating fast. As if his heart was a burning star, longing for a sky to belong.
Skye, where are you? He thought. I'm here. I'll never leave you again.
Her flight still had twenty minutes left or so.
He started to look for her in the crowds.

Everybody was rushing, as if none of them cared about the soft sky outside, that was so much beautiful.
Just like her.
His eyes kept on searching for her.
Everybody was talking too loud, as if silence never mattered, that was so much peaceful.
Just like her.
Everybody seemed lost in the crowd, not even knowing themselves--and only he felt known with her.
Everybody was the same.
But she was a star with human's name.

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