Thirty : stuck somewhere

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Mark :

He hoped she did not have to miss him as much as he missed her. Because it felt like heartstopping waves of hurt. As if he hadn't moved in years, and weeds were growing over his bare feet.
He remembered seeing her as the prettiest redhead ever, and her laugh painted his sky blue.
Even if the world wouldn't remember her, he always would, and those words would be written on his stone when he'd die.

Skye :

She could write thousand books about how much she missed him. Even if she had to burn them all.
Just like her heart was in flames, rising and causing slow destruction.
She remembered seeing him the way he saw galaxies, and his scent felt like one of those childhood scents people always remember.
Even heaven knew she was miserable, because whenever she tried to move, everything took her back to that green-eyed boy, and these words would eulogize her dead self.

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